Monday, June 7, 2021

Possum Crisp and Brown


Frequent commenter Coyote Ken passed this link to me before November 4, 2020. He added the note, "In case Biden wins. We might all need this."Before reading this essay, I would have to be on death's door due to starvation before I would consider eating a 'possum. Smitty, one of the guys I used to work with shared a story of when he and his brother were hunting rabbits and had come upon the corpse of a long-dead horse.

They heard noises within the tent-like corpse. Smitty kept his shotgun at-the-ready while his brother banged on the ribcage to see what came out.

They counted ten possum as they exited the dead horse's anus.

The trick

Possum, once treed, are easy to shake off the limb. After hitting the ground, they rarely attempt to flee. Rather, they "play possum" which makes it easy to put them in the game bag while still alive.

Typically, when chased by dogs, an opossum flees by climbing a tree. One of the hunters would then climb after the opossum and shake the limb until it fell out of the tree and was captured....

“Yielding to fate,” in this case, entails what is often called “playing possum,” but what is actually an involuntary reaction of the opossum to stress: the animal rolls over on its back and loses consciousness, very much like fainting. This allows the hunters to throw the comatose opossum in a sack or otherwise confine it, and keep hunting, so that in Audubon’s words, “half a dozen or more Opossums are sometimes captured before midnight.”

The method of catching opossums alive had two main advantages. For one, the live opossum can be saved for a Sunday or other special occasion, or until the proper side dishes can be gathered. More importantly, as Wiley Prewitt Jr. mentions in his article on Coons and Possums in The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, and Jimmy Carter (who ate a lot of opossum as a child) mentions in his memoir An Hour Before Daylight, opossums are scavengers, and therefore many people believe opossums are both more hygienic and tastier if you feed them on clean food for several days before killing and eating them.  (ERJ note: Emphasis mine. A good hosing down might be warranted as well)

I have driven in the city and possum are abundant. They are most commonly seen early in the morning on "trash day" but their tracks can be found in fresh snow almost every day of the week. 

Key points:

  • Possum can be locally very abundant in the autumn due to their huge litter size.
  • Possum eat almost anything and get fat where many other animals struggle to stay alive.
  • Possum are easily captured alive.
  • Possum are moderately calm in captivity and can be "cleaned out" by feeding them dried corn or corn that has been soaked overnight to soften it.
  • Your dinner guests do not need to know the provenance of the meat you serve them .and. meatloaf tells no secrets.


  1. Oh yeah, you 'definitely' have to clean them out, just like you do with catfish!

  2. The other thing about possum is that they are veritable tick sponges, because they move slow. But they also groom themselves and eat the ticks. So they are beneficial.

    Except when they go after chicken eggs. I've impaled more than one possum with a pitchfork in the henhouse.

    1. I think they go after pent up chickens to if memory serves. I recall having to clean dead chickens out of the chicken coop after a possum had been in it. And the possum starts at the anus and eats towards the head.

    2. Yes lost some that way. Had to finish off most of them.

  3. The possum is also nearly immune to rabies due to their low body temperature.

    Around here, where almost every mammal you can name shows up with rabies (Ever seen a rabid deer? Entertaining in a sick, sad way.), that's a selling point.

  4. The last time I saw possum eaten was in Florida, years ago. The gentleman enjoying his possum sandwich was extolling to me the joys of the flavors he was experiencing, holding the sandwich up with both hands to eat it. But his fingers were wet with the possum grease, which was also running down his arms and dripping off his elbows. I said, 'No thanks'.

    1. +1.

      Being of the school, you killed it, you eat it I cooked and ate Brother Jones. Very greasy.

      Possums now are in the category of exceptions to every rule. If I was starving sure but otherwise the vultures can have my share.


  5. I just hope Wirecutter doesn't see this article.

  6. Possums streaming out of a dead horse' ass made me think of Biden too.

  7. Dads song to us kids while horseback on the prairie on family land where he was born, when he saw a persimmon tree.

    "Possum up a simmon tree, raccoon on the ground
    Raccon to the possum, shake them simmons down.

    Sadly not found in the link.


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