Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Comment from post on Unaccompanied Minors

But we would do better to send them...home. They are unwanted here. I will tell YOU the same thing that I told my family members who think that everyone who shows up at our border should be let in...Heartless ? How about their parents who abandoned them? ...we already have millions too many illegals and freeloaders here.  Change my mind.  From the comments of Unaccompanied Minors

The first point is they are no longer at the border. They are 1300 miles from it. I do not have a cannon that will propel them back home. What next?

I agree they should stay home. That did not happen. I am very unhappy about that. 

Heartless? No doubt many of those parents would be guilty of child abuse, child abandonment or as accessories to other crimes if they were in jurisdictions covered by US laws.

We have millions too many freeloaders here. Illegals and freeloaders are NOT identically the same. What we lack are millions of younger people who are willing to work. There is even a term for it, Impending Japanification.

There are two paths going forward that seem most likely to happen.

One path involves the 15-to-18 year-olds turning into standard-issue, progressive degenerates; from MS-13 to welfare queens. The minors are being held in under-utilized summer camps with minimal security. Given the shear numbers involved, it seems likely that sexual assaults and even murders will occur, few of which are likely to be reported by the mainstream media.

The other path is that they are fast-tracked to get jobs, get girlfriends and start their lives. If they pay taxes they learn to dislike the smothering effects of the nanny-state.

The situation is very suboptimal but it was predictable. Bureaucratic drones make legal processes so expensive and complicated that regular people say F-U and get it done outside the (mother-may-I, "copy the square-root of the number on line 243 on line 97 unless it was a negative number in which case copy that number on line 666 in Addendum Q", forms with folds and/or coffee stains will not be processed) system.


  1. First let me say (and thank you for letting me have my say earlier) that I am astounded that No one else commented on the subject, and that no one has responded to my comment either to excoriate me or to agree with me.
    Secondly, thank you for not assigning terrible motives to me or accusing me of being a bad person for my views on this very hot topic.
    Thirdly, I expected to debate the idea of compelling taxpayers to pay for supporting those who are unwanted by them (me) and who are here illegally to boot, however compassionate it may be. . Taking the fruits of our labors (money) \without our consent to be spent on purposes which we do not approve of. (This is nothing new.)
    If I was the president of this land, to quote Steppenwolf, I WOULD go after every illegal and dump them off the other side of the border. How ? Lacking other more sophisticated means, I would start with those who speak no English. A good clue. I would also cut off all Federal funds to California and any other state that does not help enforce immigration laws. Yes, this would take years but our problem took years to develop to this point.
    I could go on and on but that is enough for now.

    1. Dogsledder, I agree with you concerning the aliens. However I have a bar/restaurant that I like to go to for a beer with the other regulars and for food. While the owner and I agree on most things, as I do with the majority of the other regulars, most of us avoid getting into heated discussions about those few things we do not agree on. I like it there and want to keep it that way. Same with Joe and his site.---ken

  2. You are correct, Sir. But Mr. Joe not only brought up the topic, he enabled comments. I tend to believe that he expected to start a conversation.
    And my posts have not ben combative, or at least they were not intended to be.

  3. No, your posts have never been combative. Sorry if I gave that impression. I was speaking in general terms.

  4. As with most of the f*cked up sh*t in my country, the fed-gov is the cause of the problem. I have no problem with American-minded people who want to come to America. You know, get a job, learn to speak the native language, be a good Christian, assimilate and prosper.

    I have a HUGE problem with the Untied States grubmint that wants to ENCOURAGE anti-American minded communist welcher people to come here and be taken care of through compulsory means. TAXES.

    Americans have been fooled into thinking that their responsibility of charity towards fellow men can be met by the grubmint that steals their livelihood with taxes. That just can't be done as charity is an individual responsibility.

    I din't comment earlier because I didn't have a solution. Other than secession from the u.S. by a state (many states?) that understands the American Dream.

  5. catfishbrody@gmail.comJune 23, 2021 at 12:48 PM

    Long time reade, 1st time commenter. I consider myself a conservative christian. That doesn't mean I should let my country be destroyed just to be nice.
    Totally agree with U Dogsledder. Seal the Borders. No benefits for illegals. Send them ALL home, by any means necessary.


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