Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Ammo is cheap


Ammo is cheaper than the cost of medical attention. Bullets are not magic. Unless you disrupted major, central nervous function the target will continue to be a threat for an unpredictable amount of time after you pull the trigger.

She probably wishes she had emptied her firearm into the hog while he was stationary, a full ten seconds after the first shot. Instead, she holstered the handgun.

Images of the man near the end of the one-minute video.


  1. That was beyond stupid! Lucky they lived through that!!!

  2. One head shot=automatic it. Darwin was on lunch break for this cluster.

  3. The last image in that video is from a knife fight back in the 1990s. make the whole thing suspect.

    1. Good catch. Hair doesn't match the guy holding the leg, for one thing. For another the locations of slashes are in too many, random places.

      And "That was awesome" is usually not how most people respond when cut up.

      Should I pull the post?

    2. Maybe.The last image is at this link: Check this link:

  4. It appears these people have never been around wild pigs. Make sure it is DEAD before you start pushing and pulling on the darn thing.

  5. Tuco the Ugly: When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.


  6. Been run up the nearest tree more than once by angry feral hogs. Around here they hunt them with dogs and on horseback, and many of the local boys are pretty handy with a thread and needle from sewing their dogs up.

  7. For a guy who was on a hog kill line for months l can relate. The set up was the pigs were in a pen and fed to the electrocution shocker one at a time in the theory. They were shocked but not killed since they needed to be alive to bleed out. My job was to flip the pig and shackle the hind foot to suspend them on the line to be stuck and bleed. Of course, there were screw ups. The hogs were terrified. Multiple hogs would get by the gate keepers, the shocker would fail to shock the hog, etc. This was all happening for me at eye level with the hogs. Most were 100-150 lbs and could be handled but sometimes there were outliers. I will never forget a 200+ lb enraged sow headed for me. Stuff happens fast. I can see the look in her eye yet and l am sure she saw the fear in mine.

    I think they shut that place down not long after l was there. I felt no remorse for that chamber of horrors.

  8. Everyone in the Middle Ages knew that boar went for the femoral artery.


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