Tuesday, January 25, 2022



As a reader of fiction, I am not all that keen on "monsters". To me, they seem like literary "God in the Machinery". It is a cheap, over-used hack used by authors to get out of a literary jam.

There are exceptions. Larry Correia's Monster Hunters International books are jolly good fun.

I am currently reading John Van Stry's Hammer Commission books and was almost done with the second book when I had an insight.

Mountain Lion sightings

I would have no problem believing that the red dots represent less than 10% of the legitimate mountain lion sightings. Most people might tell five or six people, most of them family, and then news of the sighting extinguishes.

Biologists tell us that nearly all mountain lion sightings outside of their documented home-range are young, displaced males.

Older males see them as a threat to their breeding rights and bully and harrass them. Their mothers and other mature females see them as a threat to their cubs. They get pushed out.

Thus they set off cross-country looking for females that will accept them and unclaimed hunting grounds.

My insights is that werewolves are an analog for the young, displaced men who most of society abandoned. 

The people who pretend to be the most compassionate are absolutely terrified of them. The words that come out of their mouth are not aligned with the policies they support. Every one of those policies diminished the the modern werewolf's ability to find a mate and/or their access to a "hunting ground" which in today's universe involves gainful employment.

The modern werewolf is the designated target in the workplace. You are doomed if you are a young, cis-male, low-skilled, unconnected normie. Every major piece of legislation since 1964 has handicapped a normal male's ability to attract and hold a "mate". Young men are denied the bonds that keep them from drifting, the sympathetic ear that allows them to vent.


Media is also culpable. They still present women as fungible units to be used and discarded.

The hypocrites cannot understand the rage nor can they process how they are creating modern werewolves. They fear the sudden transformation of the omega cis-male they despise. They fear the "lone wolf" turning and biting them.

Oh, and that quaint bit of folk-lore that silver (and other precious metals) kill them? That would be a wedding ring.


  1. Interesting thoughts. And yes, legislation says it is to help the people who need help, but so often it is actually to protect the entrenched and established.
    This analogy also extends to businesses; more regulation hinders new and small businesses more than it does big established ones.

  2. About those cougar sightings. I, along with a car load of friends, saw one the first time in the Pigeon River forest, back in the late 1990s. No cell phones, then, so no photo, but when we stopped to tell the DNR, they told us we were crazy. Two years ago, on the outskirts of Lake City, MI, we saw another in a field. Once again, no photo, but this time when we contacted the DNR, they agreed that one was catting around the area.

  3. It is not young cis-males that are ostracized, society turns it's back on un-married older men that are just as feared and abandoned.
    They may not be looking for mates, but companionship, acceptance, but are treated as liabilities, non-productive even though when younger very productive members of a community.

  4. With a divorce rate of about 50% and the women being the party filing for divorce at over 80% with the husband often not seeing it coming before she has the papers served on him at work, or when he comes home from work and finds her gone men are giving up on the traditional marriage and family. And then having most of his paycheck taken for child support so he has to support her and whoever she is shacking up with at the time until the kids, that she has turned against him, are grown. And then do it again? Why do that to yourself? With no-fault divorce and women telling you they are on the pill when they are not just so they can be one of those celebrated "single mothers" with the man to pick up the tab the incentive for normal marriage and fatherhood and pride of occupation is gone. ---ken

  5. Just wondering here: Are western mountain lions and eastern mountain lions and central mountain lions the same species, or different.

    I don't know where it comes from, but (assuming they are the same species) I think this map is plain wrong. There are mountain lion populations throughout Texas - any wildlife biologist would tell you so.

    1. I believe they are.

      THey are a very successful species ranging from northern Alberta to the tip of South America.

      There is a sub-species clinging to the southern tip of Florida but I suspect it is not a distinct species. Of course, southern Florida-and-cougars goes together like beans-and-rice.

    2. That's true about those Florida cougars. The difference there is they purr instead of growl. Until they get married.--ken

  6. Some of the young werewolves, such as my son, seem to be embracing the notion. I don't see how this ends well.

  7. There was a cougar hit on the Interstate almost directly behind my house about 10 years ago here in Kansas City. Apparently there were two of them because a second spent several years living in the woods nearby. I heard rumors of it for a couple of years, the my wife and I actually saw it hanging around the edge of the trees where there was a small meadow. About a year or so afterward, the sightings stopped.

  8. Cougar is the term for older women on the prowl. We used to call 'em barracudas.


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