Friday, July 7, 2023

What we have here is a Brazilian BELLY-lift


If this is what it looks like when it is new....
Brazilian Butt-lifts are the hot-new-thing.

According to one of the HNT mavens I know, Brazilian Butt-lifts do not age well. Picture a boob that weighs forty pounds, add gravity and 10 years. That sucker will be hanging down around the backs of their knees. No muscles are added. No connective tissue. Just plain, old fat suctioned-up from other parts of their body.

Pay no attention to the stud-muffin in the picture. He is only enhancing his Brazilian Belly-lift


  1. Two things:
    That is just wrong.
    If all that is simply redistributed fat- what did she look like previously?

  2. Nothing like having enough butt for four people on one person. I like a well rounded PROPORTIONAL butt on a woman. That is nowhere close to being proportional. I'll bet it taker her at least three trips to haul @ss.

  3. This is your butt. This is your butt after inflation... 'Any questions?...

  4. And the women who have it done at unlicensed clinics risk serious infections or death to get the bubble-butt look.

    Vanity is a deadly sin for a reason.

  5. He doesn't have a Brazilian belly or a 6 pack... He's got the whole keg!

    1. My tribal name when I researched the Lakota Indians was "Pony"

      Why was that Grandpa? Was it because you could run for hours and were faster than the wind?

      No, child. It was because my belly reminded them of a Pony Keg.

  6. When someone comments on the size of my belly I just remind them that it's a fuel tank for a high powered sex machine.
    High Tech Redneck

  7. My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… 3-4 hours/day /95 bucks every hour…..>

  8. Nah babe, I like the way yo ass drag on the ground......

  9. I really wish people understood how every surgery entails risk. That, and that age and gravity are not ever your friend.


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