Friday, July 14, 2023

Cherry paneling and lettuce seeds

The appearance side

Manufacturing stamps on the back.

Second manufacturing stamp. Not lauan but actual cherry or birch plywood.
I got my lettuce seeds in the mail today and counted out about 200 to germinate for the first flight for the greenhouse.

Does anybody care to guess how many lettuce seeds are on this 8" plate?

One technique for getting an accurate estimate is to use a business card to carefully count out three calibration piles of ten and then to use the same card to break the rest of the count into piles the size of the three piles you carefully counted out.

It is still pretty busy.

I counted about 35 piles so I had about 350 seeds on the plate.

The same method is useful in calculating the size of a V of ducks or geese. Count out five or ten and then just eye-ball in chunks of that size.

Pop-quiz: Do you know why one side of the V that geese or ducks fly in is longer and one is shorter?

Answer below the break

Because the longer side has more ducks or geese in it.


  1. I use that joke every fall in class. It's a groaner but always gets a laugh.

  2. I wonder how many lettuce seeds in a pound? The Carolina Hemlock, Tsuga caroliniana averages 187,000 seeds per pound. A hemlock cone has about 26 seeds in it.

    1. Once source says approximately 800 per gram. At 454 grams per pound, that works out to 360,000 or a bit over a third of a million.

    2. I bet collecting lettuce seeds is a whole lot easier than collecting Hemlock seeds. Spread plastic sheeting on ground under tree. Grab trunk of tree with shaking machine and shake til cones stop falling. Then run cones through a separating machine a few times until all that's left is pure seed.

  3. I’m a small gardener. I throw down lettuce seeds (romaine Paris)in a 2 x 6 raised bed. Thin out then transfer to my garden space when large enough. Sooo many seeds that I’d never use in a packet

  4. Ducks or Geese in flight can't count also.

    1. It reminds me of the joke about a V of ducks flying over the Irish landscape.

      The duck at the point of the V says "Quack, quack".

      The last duck says "I'm going as quack as I can".

      OK, I'll get my coat ...

      Phil B


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