Wednesday, July 26, 2023


As we approach sporky times, it becomes increasingly clear that no one person, no family, no matter how talented, can do-it-all.

It is not a failure to "spill" tasks that are not within our personal cone-of-expertise to others more suited, by temperament or talent or resources for those tasks.

Conversely, if we have a valuable talent, say tanning leather or breeding dogs or constructing artifacts of semi-precious metals or growing-and-preserving food; then we must resolve to be prepared to supply our immediate family and neighbors with the fruits of those talents in exchange for the fruits of their unique talents.

The good news, such as there is, is that old, rural people are not considered important by the policy makers. We are an afterthought to an afterthought. A wart on the left-hind-leg of a flea on the stray dog.

Even the oldest and most infirm can watch the traffic on the road in front of their house and raise alarm.

Slightly more capable can watch grand-children and pull weeds in the garden for 30 minutes each day.

God created us and knows that we are woefully imperfect. He asks that we have Faith and that we Strive. And sometimes we must flow out of our comfort-zone and play out-of-position. That is when we become heroes.

Part of my coming out of my comfort zone involves paring down my "collection" of scrap metal. Some of it is very bulky and I now have a higher use for the under-roof storage space.

I love iron. To me it is the miracle material. It bends, it welds, it comes in many interesting shapes, it is strong and stiff and heat resistant. Some kinds can be softened for drilling and shaping and then hardened. And some of it is bulky.

I have to keep working on the harmony...


  1. I've spent a good part of my life trying to be harmonious. I think I'm done.

  2. A little bit of back-story: This post was motivated by a story I was told by a third-shift worker at a retailer. The store is undergoing remodeling and one of the construction workers used a "customer" restroom after the start-of-first shift. The first shift manager blew a gasket because third shift "left the bathrooms all trashed".

    Third shift has a punch-list of what they need to do to have the store open on-time. Camping out in the bathrooms to tidy up after a construction worker MIGHT use it is not on that list and the items on that list fill the allotted time.

    1. ERJ - We are undergoing a remodel on Product (A)Isle. The amount of relocating product, sometimes just for an evening to the cooler or for longer periods of time to different locations, is both frustrating for us and customers and on top of what our "normal" jobs are. It does make for an occasionally frustrating closing evening.

    2. That brings up the question of what exactly the construction worker did that 'left the bathroom all trashed'.. If they left human waste anywhere but in the toilets the construction company needs to know about it.

    3. Rick, according to my source it wasn't that bad. It appeared that he had washed his hands and (like many people) was not able to fully dry them with the wall-mounted tornadoes. He then spattered the mirror with water that might have had a little bit of concrete-dust in the droplets.

      No feces. No paper polluted with unidentifiable grossness. Just slightly milky water droplets drying on the mirror.

  3. I think the main point is in two parts;

    1) Fill your tribe with people of diverse skills.
    Corollary; even the 'unskilled' have skills which can be utilized in support roles.

    2) Assign duties (formal) or allow for natural fit (informal) according to type and level of skill.
    Example of wasteful practice is placing/allowing high skill person in low skill duty/task.

    Both parts requiring planning. Indeed, they rely on planning. Planning can be by leader, committee, or self-guided.

  4. My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… 3-4 hours/day ,./95 bucks every hour…..>

  5. This rings true with something that came to me while in deep prayer back in 2008. This followed something else I received concerning the coming times:

    "Everyone must know exactly what they are and aren’t capable of doing, as no one can do everything. The Spirit gives each one of us gifts. The community must take stock of these gifts; who can do what. Everyone must bring their gifts to the table and be available to use them.
    Have no fear that you will have nothing to offer. The Holy Spirit instills gifts in every person, as decided on by God. Each will add color and value to the community. Even in a failing body, a godly mind can pray.
    Have no fear that your gifts will have no value. Each person’s gifts will be priceless at the time they are needed. No person is to be ridiculed when revealing their gifts."

    People can think what they want about me hearing the voice of God. Even some of those closest to me say things like "You know that's just your conscience, right?" Fact is, God talks to all of us, but few listen to Him. ...And yes, He told me that as well. All I know is that I was praying and this thought was radioed into my head in its entirety. This has happened several times to me, and every time it has, I've written what I received down.

    The coming times: He started off with "There is coming a time when the world will be brought to its knees. All things now deemed valuable will become worthless, and things once thought worthless will become the most valued." I think that says it all in a nutshell...

    And yes, the greyest among us are the greyest of grey men...

  6. There comes a time to start scaling back... just sayin...

  7. My stock phrase is that if times are tough community is the only thing that will get people through them. As you said we all have our individual talents and capabilities. We must learn to work together. In many primitive societies being banished from the community is effectively a death sentence.

  8. Getting rid of any material you took an effort to collect can be difficult. The panic of 'I'll never find THAT again !!" and thoughts similar to that. Picking out some friends you know would appreciate them will generate good will towards the future. Or gain enemies of their spouse who don't want those new materials stored at their home, lol. Sword of Damocles.

  9. My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… 3-4 hours/day ./. 95 bucks every hour…..>


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