Friday, July 21, 2023

From the comments...

 Interesting history regarding Sound of Freedom movie:

1.) When DHS cut off funding for agent Ballard in his S American snare ops and he quit his job just 10 months from vesting his Fed pension, Glenn Beck stepped in and funded it, ultimately saving hundreds of children. This is NOT mentioned in the movie.

2.) Once Angel purchased the movie rights from Disney’s M&A activity gone flotsam and jetsam, no Hollywood studio or executive producer would step up to fund the making of the movie. Who did? The CEO of GOYA Foods became the executive producer. He must have been keenly aware of what was happening to kids South of the border.

May God sort out the perpetrators who enslaving children and punish them justly. We as a society can’t even deal with a presidential crime family as evidence boils up like oil on Jed’s farm, much less save kids from being sold into horrible torture and abuse. Sad.

ERJ notes: The CEO of GOYA Foods is a fricking HERO!!!


  1. He is the ultimate example of the American Dream. Latin, started poor, multi-millionaire global business owner.
    You'd think democratic liberal media would be on this guy like white on rice, right?
    He's conservative, and Christian.
    Any wonder why the media hates him?

    Yaknow, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, you have to at least admit that the media is horribly biased. Even if they're rooting for your side, you have to see it? And frankly that should bother you. What happens when your party of choice isn't in power? Can you understand why we all should be working towards a 'fair' system?

    1. Sadly, you are very wrong about " have to admit the media is horribly biased".

      If your go-to news source is CNN then that becomes you view of the world and everything is measured relative to that world-view. You look at the current Fox-lite and consider them dangerous, right-wing extremists.

  2. ERJ, I find the reaction to Sound of Freedom remarkable on in the sense that one sees all sorts of human trafficing related public notices and awareness campaigns (especially in airports, as it turns out). The fact that some this message, this movie must be memory holed says rather a lot about those trying to do the memory holing and where we are as a society: truly, unless the message is approved and comes through the approved channels, it must be smothered.

  3. Goya foods donates tons of food to areas hit bt natural disasters. That idiot mayor in san juan was filmed in front of pallets full of goya products

  4. Holy cognitive dissonance, Batman! 

    The Trump administration separated kids from families, imprisoned them, marred them for life. Now that is a memory hole.

    Both Ballard and star Caviezel have been public about their belief in conspiracy theories of the QAnon movement.[54][62] Caviezel has endorsed the spurious belief that child traffickers drain children's blood to obtain adrenochrome,[54] a chemical with supposed anti-aging properties.[61] Caviezel suggested he had seen evidence of children being subjected to the practice.[63] Caviezel reiterated his belief in the adrenochrome conspiracy theory during the press tour for Sound of Freedom.[64]

    As an added bonus, both sound like nut jobs.

    1. Trolls gonna troll!

      Lucas Machias - YOU are the reason there are more horses asses in the world than there are horses.

    2. I think that if you looked you would see that all of the presidents since Bush have had children in "cages".

      I think that the number would be fewer with Trump since he implemented the "stay in Mexico" policy.

      Some children get trafficked to create "instant families" since intact families get treated more favorably than single, adult males. Once they are across the border the kids get dumped as no-longer-needed stage props.

      The US immigration policy is broken. Very badly broken and few politicians in either party seem to be committed to fixing it.

  5. I seem to remember those cages were contracted, built, and first utilized, by the Obama Administration. Not so? Keep digging, you haven't reached the bottom of your 'Memory Hole' yet.


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