Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Helping somebody move

I got roped into helping somebody move. Probably because I have a truck and Mrs ERJ has a minivan.

Yesterday morning and today involved carrying furniture out of basements and from the second floor and placing into said vehicles and transporting it to a storage facility.

The roommate of the person we are moving has countless cats, snakes, spiders and other beasts. Scratching posts, pooping-sandboxes and habitats are tucked into every odd corner.

Do you know what you get when you put a rooster in a cage with a Tarantula? Broilers with eight drum-sticks.

Due to work-schedules, the only time-window the movee has is mornings, which is my prime gardening time. Consequently, the weeds will have a five-day head start on me: Two days of rain plus three days while I am playing moving-man.

Yeah, I could go out an pull weeds in the +85F sunshine. Or I could take a nap. Guess which my aching body voted for.


We got about an inch over the weekend.


  1. Let em grow, chop em up with the hoe.

  2. The rain seems to be finally catching up a bit. Stubborn brown spots near me are green again.

  3. West of Shitcago, we had a nice soaking rain. Water barrels are full and the grass greened up quickly

  4. 85 would be lovely. 98°-101° here the past week....

  5. Naps are good... Just sayin...


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