Saturday, July 22, 2023

...if not for the courage of the fearless crew...

If all goes as planned, I will be out on the water on a friend's boat when this post "drops".

I have no details about the boat but I suspect that it is longer than 12'. He keeps it at a marina. And, unlike some boat owners who use their vessels as stationary party platforms, my friend informed me that we shall sally forth upon the water.

One of my high school buddies decided to start organizing a lunch every few months. Another buddy wanted to have it on his boat. And so, here we are. A bunch of old geezers catching up on the last 45 years.

After careful consideration, I will not be taking any adult-beverage. It is a new environment and loose-lips-sink-ships. Booze and boats make sunburn and dehydration occur and, sometimes, divorces and the enrichment of endemic languages with Scandinavian words.

A high of 80 and 5 mph winds are predicted to day.

My buddy says he knows about a secret island that is an easy, three hour tour from the marina...


  1. Any professors going along? Movie stars? ;-) even our short slow trips on a lake, someone always starts singing that song.
    Southern NH

  2. Let's see
    Last time she left town you were struck by a motorist, I always wondered if it was one of the cars that came out of your assembly line.
    Now you are out on a lake........

    1. It was a Malibu but not a Lansing built Malibu.

    2. You could see one of the hidden Vins from under there?

  3. Fantastic conditions for a trip on the water. Life looks different from a boat, for some reason?

  4. I always understood that if you didn't take beer on a boat it would be unstable and tip over. Gotta be safe don'tcha know. ---ken

  5. Lake water temps? When I used to crew for a guy with a catamaran who raced on the Great Lakes, I wore a wetsuit. Any time of year.

    1. About 70F right now, a solid 10 over avg for now.

    2. Must be Lake Michigan or Erie. I guarantee you Huron or Superior are NOT that warm.

  6. Just curious, did anybody but me ever watch Gilligan's Island and think to themselves, Gosh, all those remarkable inventions and labor-saving devices that they lash together out of bamboo and palm rushes, all those nifty gadgets. Why didn't they just patch the f*ckin boat and motor on home?


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