Thursday, July 13, 2023

I have always felt like a ---fill in blank---

 "I have known since I was a little child that I was a woman trapped inside of a man's body." Jade said.

"How could you know that?" I asked.

"Because I never felt like a man. I always felt like a woman" Jade said.

Brows furrowed, "How could you possibly know how it feels to be a 'woman'? You were never a woman. Little 'girls' don't know what it feels like to be a woman so how could a little boy?" I asked.

"That is like saying something '...tastes like shit...' when you have never eaten any, not even a spoonful." I finished my thought.


  1. Dairy farming gives you the real life experience of Tastes like Sh*t.
    I've always been partial to "I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body" (attributed to Ronald Reagan the first time I saw it) but I'm not inclined to cut off my junk

  2. I fet feelinf difrrrnt.. I didn't always fet along with other kids, depending on the group. I learned to br more outgoing. I can see how that could warp (with some assistance) into 'I'm trapped in the wrong body'.

  3. I used to be a man trapped in a woman's body, then I was born.

    1. That is rich. I am definitely going to steal that.

  4. My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… 3-4 hours/day ./ 95 bucks every hour…..>

  5. ""That is like saying something '...tastes like shit...' when you have never eaten any, not even a spoonful." I finished my thought." ... well, 'cepting that one time I was carrying a bale of hay across the stockyard pen, tripped on something and fell to ground with mouth open.

    I don't know for sure what it was, but it sure wasn't apple pie ..."

  6. While we are all being distracted by the culture wars, the elite are looting the sovereign treasuries and fomenting war to cover it up.

  7. I often feel like a woman but unfortunately, when that feeling strikes, I can't find one. Bit of a bugger, that ...

    Phil B

  8. Watch out now. Going to torpedo your candidacy when the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) crowd gets ahold of this.


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