From the comments:
"If you still trust anyone in the medical industry, you need a lobotomy, or at least an education."
There are some things a fellow, no matter how handy he is, can do as well by himself as can be done by a team of others. Data suggests that surgery teams that perform dozens of a single procedure (like by-pass operations) a week or month have better results and fewer complications than teams that perform the procedure infrequently. That makes sense if only from the reduced time between first incision and final suture.
Then there is the issue of the awkward reach for some procedures. Last April I was hit by a vehicle estimated to have been traveling at 35 mph. It smoked my lower left leg and reduced my tibia to dog-biscuits. It would have been awkward for me to line up the beads and hammer a titanium tent stake down through my knee and through the marrow. Even harder to cross-drill through the bone at the ankle and run the stainless deck-screws through the end of the tent-stake.
Dr Swords and his team was in-and-out in less than 90 minutes. It would have taken me least three tequila-bottles worth of time, I imagine.
![]() |
The ability to rapidly deliver multiple units of compatible blood is a very neat trick |
Then there was the case of Southern Belle who really wanted to deliver Quicksilver at home. She ended up in Labor and Delivery because she went past-term. She hemorrhaged and needed four units of blood and two surgeries to find the issue and correct it.
One minute run time. Exaggerator
Please accept my feedback, when a person uses absolute language like "always", "never", "nobody", "anybody"...they telegraph the vibe that they feel powerless and that they must exaggerate to be heard. Ironically, the exaggeration decreases the likelihood of the exaggerator being taken seriously.
Sub-optimal performance
I do agree that the United States' performance during the Covid period was sub-optimal.
The unholy marriage between political and medical was incredibly toxic.
The initial steps could be justified based on imprecise nature of the early data but the rejection of subsequent data as it became available and the refusal to make adjustments to the response was EVIL. Covid is not Ebola. It does not have +10% mortality in the general population.
What looms on the horizon?
Assisted suicide.
First it will be "elective". Then it will be strongly encouraged by way of starving geriatric care for resources "Sure, we can change your diaper...when we have somebody available." Then it will not be a personal decision.
There have always been doctors who were willing to prescribe two drugs (perhaps for pain) and would leave very explicit directions to not combine them because there was a very high probability of death if... Medical examiners probably didn't do a tox-screen for patients with advanced cancer or dementia.
My expectation is that it will be "elective" after the 2024 elections and then drift into mandatory "not the patient's decision" in blue-hives almost immediately. The cost of caring for the aging baby-boomers (most of my readers) will make that happen.
To add insult to injury, suicide-vests will not be a sanctioned-option.
You are a wise man good Sir. Please keep writing. I am the guy who (commented) will never trust the medical field again. This hasn't changed that.
ReplyDeleteTrust is a funny thing. We are programmed from early on through various organs of society. As we age our personal first hand experiences reinforce or conflict with our 'programming'. I have the hardest time convincing my 16 year old that the police are not your friend. He does not have my experience. That the pendulum swings further with each iteration is not always obvious until you start getting to the extremes.
I agree about euthanasia. Sad, really. My Dad had a bout at the end, 3 months out they started talking hospice. Old battle axe had 3 months left in him, most of those spent relaxing at home in no pain. But the medical field (I do not now, nor do I forsee in the future) OBLITERATED any hope of me listening to their advice. They were trying to kill off my dying Dad, no shame, no remorse, gonna die soon anyways.
And re: covid;
Not only were the initial suspicions wrong....
Not only were the testing protocols wrong....
Not only did isolation and lockdowns do NOTHING....
not only did remdisvr straight up KILL THOUSANDS....
Not only...
... You're a bright lad, I take it you see my point.
It wasn't just 1 thing. At every turn, EVERY TURN, it wasn't just they picked the wrong option. The option that was picked, shoved down my throat under various threats of harm, and worse, was KNOWN TO ME TO BE HARMFUL.
they knew it was bad, and forced it on us anyways. So they could keep their jobs (and homes, and cars, and vacations, and lifestyle - my health and wellness dropped for their life of comfort).
Trust them again?
"really wanted to deliver Quicksilver at home"
ReplyDeleteFor God's sake !!!!
There are highly trained and skilled professionals with proper equipment !!!!!
had mine by midwife who served amish
Deleteno problems
but, if there were, she had a doctor and hospital contacts if needed
I won’t trust them either. Look…my anti-jab stance was based on rock-solid, foundation level science. Cripes, Joe - you must have known within the first week or two that it was a scam same as I did: pandemic spread is a simple thing to predict using a grade 11 exponential equation and graph. The entire medical industry knows this, and yet…they couldn’t come up with the numbers to do it.
ReplyDeleteAnd the politicians…ughhh! You can’t run a nation like this.
But I will NEVER accept blood from anyone who got the jab, regardless of their bloodtype.
ReplyDeleteIn an emergency situation you won't have a choice. Even in a relatively simple surgery situation, most hospitals won't allow you to specify nonvaxx blood if it's needed (I have first hand knowledge of this)
DeleteA year and a half ago my real estate buddy was telling me that he was working with a cardiac surgeon from an out of the area large regional hospital who bought a $600,000.00 cottage up here and paid cash. The doctor told him "..we are seeing problems so do not get the vaccine and if you did get it do not get any more." My buddy asked him if he is telling his patients that. The doctor said "No, we have to push it and if I don't I'll get fired." My buddy told him that he didn't intend to. I'd have said "So how many people are you willing to kill to keep your job?" I guess it's a good thing I sold my business. ---ken
ReplyDeleteI have had conversations with a friend or two that are 8-10 years older than myself (and I'm old) lamenting about the prospect of ending up in an "old folks home." I just smile and tell them I am going out ankle deep in a pile of hot Brass. The headline will read: "(-?-) members of brave __________ squad died today serving uncooperative hillbilly notice that noncompliance will no longer be tolerated."
hillbillies--God's people !
DeleteAbsolute language such as this?:
ReplyDeleteQuote"***You are an idiot if you rely totally on the internet for medical advice. If you have any questions about your health, see your family doctor. If you don't have one, get one.***"
Don't try to split hairs in your own favor; that's disingenuous.
And please really take a look at what has become of the medical industry over the lasy few years.
Maybe a statistical study?
Rate of licensed medical professionals leaving the industry pre-retirement age?
Number of board decertifications year over year from, say 2000?
Or what about the injections? Surely you've seen the work of Steve Kirsch, Ed Dowd, and others studying the effects?
Asking for a friend: Does the Hypocrite of the Day on the internet win any kind of prize?
DeleteIt looks like I stepped on my Richard.
No Sir, you stimulated a conversation among people. Discourse. Debate. Exchange of ideas. So long as its peaceable, you helped move the world forward.
DeleteComment of the century. Thank you!
DeleteI knew in March 2020 the whole thing was a scam. A real pandemic would have seen an exponential rise in deaths. This never happened; the deathrate stabilized at around 1,600 per day which is about what we would see with the regular flu.
ReplyDeleteI also knew the numbers were artificially inflated. They were desperate to raise the numbers but couldn't.
In addition, we all knew from about that time the use of Remdesivir was causing renal failure in flu patients and the subsequent intubation was drowning them in their own mucus.
And we know the Federal government was paying tens of thousands of dollars to medical facilities for each "Covid case"-more for a death than for a hospitalization. Amounts varied by state.
And then there was the curious case of zero flu deaths during the 2020/2021 flu season.
Quote"The initial steps could be justified..."
No. Absolutely no. Everyone in the medical field knew what was happening was wrong. Fauci himself wrote a paper on the lethality of mask wearing during the 1918 influenza. Any first year nurse can tell you that.
The lockdowns, social distancing and masking were known to be ineffective, yet the entire medical community (with the exception of a few brave souls), went along with it. Why?
I will never again trust a doctor or nurse to give me honest opinions in regards to my health, nor prescribe anything I haven't researched in depth myself beforehand.
The only credible data in March and April of 2020 was from Italy which heated up before anybody else in Europe. That was a full year before the vaccine.
DeleteThey were experiencing 500-to-750 deaths per day attributed to Covid.with a case rate listed as between 30,000 and 100,000.
By June there was sufficient data to start unwinding the panic, but that didn't happen.
Saying you "knew" it was a scam in March 2020 is difficult for me to accept based on the data that was available in that time-frame.
After brushing off the initial 'panic' in Mar/Apr 2020 with no word on FLU numbers from anyone reliable that I can find, combined with the 99+% non-lethality rate (seemingly reliable, but quiet sources), then hearing that there is absolutely no liability from the 'jab' regardless who it came from, cemented the 'I KNOW this is a deception and not reality' for me then and to this day.
DeleteWe had credible data from the Diamond Princess.
DeleteThe "credible" data from Europe should have been and still should be highly suspect. Their health care systems were not correctly reporting deaths, and the 500-750 a day in Italy is not that different from a really bad flu season. In addition, Italy's numbers included their Chinese immigrants.
The most accurate Covid numbers were from Sweden, where they did only one thing-restrict social gatherings to 50 people or less. Their "death rate" is less than surrounding countries, which provides further evidence that the responses to the flu were actually pumping the numbers.
I'm not going to comment further on this here; there are many others who have spent countless hours extrapolating the data and this has all been published publically since late 2019- it's just that no one wanted to listen.
Not to belabor the point, but "the jab" was being rolled out March 2021. So if the freedom from liability for the maker of the faux vaccine is one of the key points of your knowing it was a scam (and it IS a darned good piece of evidence) that was information available a year later than the March 2020 when the "two weeks to slow the spread" happened.
DeleteMy wife's nephew and wife were on the Diamond Princess when it hit and he caught it. "No big deal. Just a mild cold" he said. But they had him locked down in Japan for a month. Then the 5 demoncrat governors put the sick back in the nursing homes and killed thousands of residents, which accounted for 40% of total attributed deaths, it was obvious that this was a manufactured crisis. You can't seize power without a crisis and you can't have a crise without corpses. So they made it happen.--ken.
DeleteRegarding the Freedom from Liability I think that was apparent from the beginning. In order to get the shot you had to sign a Release of Liability when you got it. If you went into a restaurant and got a new special for lunch and had to sign a release of liability absolving the waitress, cook and owner from liability if it made you sick or killed you would you eat it? Same thing. ---ken
DeleteI followed the Diamond Princess story pretty closely and by early March the numbers were in;
Delete3700 passengers and crew
712 tested positive
197 infected were symptomatic
14 deaths
This ship was a ground zero worst case scenario, and, after seeing what happend onboard, combined with the zeal that our political class used to flog this and their own willingness to ignore the martial law inflicted on the rest of the “little people” , I smelled bullshit.
The longer it went on the stronger the stench got.
Denninger on surviving the coming medical system collapse:
I think Denninger is on to something.
DeleteThe "swoon...catch me" health model is not sustainable. The best healthcare is to live your life to avoid hospitals.
I’m 82. I owe my life to surgeons over the past 20 years. Hiroomi Tada for colon cancer, Reed Quinn for heart bypass (quadruple), Elisabeth Blazik for dissected aorta, not to mention mobility from another surgeon for a titanium hip. It all gave me 20 years additional life so far, 15 years productive as a new career in high school teaching. This is the American Medical System when it is not politicized. We know the world-wide COVID-19 flu insanity is political .
ReplyDeleteOn the one hand medical malpractice kills how many every year? 250K? (as opposed to guns that kill say about 30K including self-cappings). On the other hand a very good doctor in early 2021 (still COVID hysteria) by happenstance found my right kidney was entirely consumed by a tumor and another great doctor had it out by the next 3 weeks and I doubt the local shaman would have been as efficient or effective. So I agree that there are a lot of lying, selfish, callous bastards in the medical field, as in mine, but I sure am impressed with the quality of care that saved my life…
ReplyDeleteSome days, it's hard to even crack a smile. But, hat off to Mr. ERJ - This did it - "suicide-vests will not be a sanctioned-option."
ReplyDeleteThose of us who are DIY types do not pay much attention to official "sanctions".
DeleteI'm O- pure blood.
ReplyDeleteI do not donate blood no more, I stopped about twenty yrs ago after obtaining the 5 gal. level.
It is always about the 'quality' of the care... Especially in 'systems'... Which is one of the reasons I live where I do, so I can drive 2 hours to a well run VA hospital, rather than a POS hospital less distance away.
ReplyDeleteIf the criminals in power decide that eliminating the elderly to save money we elderly should accommodate them. Just not in the manner they'd choose. When it's time to shuffle off this mortal coil take a few of them with you. Don't wait till your helpless and at their mercy.
ReplyDeleteTheir progeny will have less security. Hey, if it is a generational thing...bring it! Let's skip the middle-man.
DeleteAre you soon to be found guilty of refusing the latest “safe and effective” big Pharm elixir?
ReplyDeleteYou will be tracked, traced, and ?
I just worked part-time from my apartment for 5 weeks, but I made $30,030. I lost my former business and was soon worn out. Thank goodness, I found Sthis employment online, and I was able to start working from home right away. This top career is achievable by everyone, and it will improve their online revenue by:.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this article .........