Saturday, April 15, 2023

Vertical jump

Mrs ERJ informs me that I am "getting" the white area on the inside of the "D" on my vertical jumps.

Fiddle-frogging around by trimming the image, counting pixels and knowing that my standing reach is 7'-1" looks like I now have a vertical jump of 14"


I wish the walking track had banners at various heights so there was no guess-work involved. I have been told that it is common for volleyball players to practice their jumps and the height is calculated with optics (Lasers, maybe?) and the exact vertical height is displayed on a digital readout.

Planting trees

Today was a change-of-pace.

I planted some trees.

I think every orchard ends up with "holes" in it. It pays to plug them up.

I planted one Bluebyrd plum, one Potomac pear and two Liberty apple trees.

Holding plants while away

I think I figured out a way to avoid having somebody come in and water my seedlings.

I have a couple of 4' sleds that are vac-formed polyethylene. They are as waterproof as a canoe. My thinking is that I can put 2 cubic feet of potting soil in each sled, add about 1/2 cubic foot of water (25% by volume or four gallons!) and then settle the seedling cells into the potting soil.

The seedlings will push roots down, into the moist potting soil and there should be plenty of water there for their roots to mine. It should be plenty to hold them for the duration.


  1. Evaporation can be brutal on a dry day?

    1. Yes. That is why I plan to have them in the basement under LED lighting.

      Evaporation is driven by the difference between leaf temperature and the dew-point.

      My light set-up is under my work-bench and I can drape shower-curtains around the sides to increase the humidity, i.e. raise the dew-point.

  2. Well thought out. I remember hearing one can keep house plants while away by gathering them all and setting them in the bath tub (without water in it) and pulling the shower curtain and bathroom door closed. Your system makes up for the lights. Perhaps ideally optimized with only one visit from a friend in the middle?

    Nice legs.

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