Monday, April 24, 2023

"The Truth will Set You Free..."*

"The truth will set you many cases to find a job elsewhere". Said at every place I ever worked.

Tucker Carlson's net worth $515M.

Don Lemon's net worth $12M.

I don't envy either man their wealth nor would I trade places with either of them. Neither man will be reduced to poke-greens, corn grits and reusing coffee grounds in the near future. And neither will I.

One of the many "rules" in the Old Testament is that a money-lender can not accept a man's tools as collateral for a loan. For if the person who borrowed the money defaulted, then his family might become extinct because he would lose his livelihood. Basically, it had the potential to become a death sentence. Furthermore, the village would lose their potter or blacksmith or tanner or sycamore dresser...and the quality-of-life for everybody else in the village would be reduced.

One of the things that angers me most about the entire Covid episode is that the Government used "a man's tools" as leverage to coerce people into taking a highly profitable, experimental shot that in retrospect had many side effects and limited effectiveness. People were fired for refusing to take the shot. They were drummed out of the military. People had their licenses revoked and were prohibited from practicing their trade.

I respect Tucker Carlson. It is rumored that he did not care much for Donald Trump's personal style but it never tainted his coverage of Trump's policies and the impact those policies had on everyday life for normal Americans. To me, that is the definition of "Professionalism", not allowing personal feelings to impact the job one does.

Mr Carlson: You are still a young guy. You have a lot of life ahead of you. I wish you all the luck in the world. I hope you find happiness and fulfillment. To you, Adios My Friend.

To Mr Lemon: You get the other AMF.

* Half of John 8:32. The ENTIRE quote is: Jesus then said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 


  1. Well said Joe. You do that well. ---ken

  2. Few things are as fleeting as fame and often the fortune gained from it. Even among the talking heads media crowd. Tucker Carlson was a casualty of the liberals war on Free Speech. His sacking won't harm him or his financial well being. That is set. But it is perhaps the final nail in the coffin of main stream media objectivity. There is now NOBODY in the main stream media who isn't totally owned and subservient to the left and it's agenda. Their next target will be Free Speech on the Internet. The Blogosphere will likely be a primary target for their attention...and soon.

  3. As Kenobi said, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can imagine." If I were Elon Musk, I'd get together with two or three other conservative/independent/libertarian billionaires and start a new media company with Tucker and Greg Gutfeld as the stars. You know that Gutfeld doesn't love the corporate brass at Fox any more than Tucker does. It would be very satisfying to see Fox implode.

  4. TC was following the money. The Dominion suit evidence said so in his own words. He and Fox was so scared of losing audience and money to the truth of the election that they caved to viewers who wanted a fantasy not truth. TC will be replaced so the con can continue. O'Rielly, Beck, Carlson. It is a cycle of grifters.

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