Sunday, April 23, 2023

How to be an Outdoor Kind of Man


Blogger flagged a nine-year-old post for the link I used in one of my posts. I found a clean (no malware) version of the link and believe it is worth re-posting:

In part...

Own a truck.

Always have a knife.

Carry a knife. Always. The only time you should not have a knife is when you are naked, in a bed or when you’re swimming. (Real men swim, they don’t play in the water. And, there is only one kind of knife and that’s a sharp one. A dull knife is nothing but a flat piece of metal with a handle.)

Always buy the first round; nobody remembers who bought the second round or the last one.

Never ask someone if they have ever killed someone, never ask anyone if they ever slept with someone and never, ever brag or talk about doing either.


  1. Bl*gger seems to be going bug nuts crazy zapping old posts lately.

  2. Great points in the article.
    The only one I don't meet is that I currently don't own a truck.

  3. Makes complete sense to me. Blogger is probably a person with a purple hair man bun.

  4. Have a truck, carry a knife and a flashlight. Never leave home without them.

  5. And you really should have a bigger knife and flashlight, that stay in the truck.

  6. Buy and carry a plastic/nylon, ceramic, or titanium knife for swimming.

    1. Cold Steel 'Nightshade' might be just the thing for that. The Skean Dhu is very thin in section. Walking around on the beach might be an issue for The Authoritah ...

  7. Look how often Tarzan needed a knife while swimming. Anon is giving good advice.

  8. If you donate to a worthy charity, never let anyone know you did.

    1. Matthew 6:3. And the next verse. "And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you openly." But you should understand that the reward may not be in this life, and that you should do it out of love for the Father.

    2. My take on that verse "...don't let your left (unclean) hand know what the right hand is doing (giving alms)" shifted in recent years.

      I now believe that Jesus may have been telling us to not take advantage of the widow we donated resources to or to demand/expect favorable treatment.

      It would be human nature to expect certain...favors...from a widow if your donations were keeping her from starving to death. Hence, to ensure that we are not led into perdition, it is better for the left hand NOT know what opportunities for sin our right hands have created.


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