Tuesday, April 25, 2023


I came down with symptoms that suggest I am hosting Giardia.

WTMI below the break

I also am experiencing bloody stools but I think that is because I was lifting concrete steps and may have given myself hemorrhoids.

I am self-treating for now with Imodium, liquids and bananas. No, I am not using the bananas to apply medications.

I hope these resolve in a couple of weeks. I don't want to be traveling with hemorrhoids that have flared up.

Hikers often get giardiasis and it is spread by dirty beavers. I suppose that makes it some kind of STD but what happens in the hiking trail STAYS on the hiking trail.


  1. I rode back from a spike camp with some poor sheep hunter who was suffering from beaver fever. Every 20-30 minutes he would get down off his horse and make a brief trip into the bush. After the 4 or 5 stop I jokingly asked if he wanted me to shoot him. He said if he didn't feel better before we hit the trail head he'd say yes. Once we hit town and he got a prescription he was good in 3 days.
    You can get the infection drinking water even above the treeline. Ducks and wading birds bring the organism with them on their legs.

    I feel for you. Heal up.

    1. Meanwhile, heading for the bushes with out at least making a “cat hole” latrine and burying the results passes it to all the critters passing thru!

    2. Anon, I let the gentleman have some privacy in his moments of discomfort. I have know idea what he did or did not do. Judge much?

  2. Hope you get well real soon Joe, not much fun at home, much less on the road. If you end up seeing a doc, ask for some prescription-strength lidocaine cream.

  3. My wife had bloody stools and hemorrhoids for a while. But it was rectal cancer. Don't wait too long...

  4. After you take a crap put your butt up on the sink and wash it thoroughly with cold water. Cold water does to hemorrhoids what it does to your dick. ---ken

    1. No offense, but you can never come visit my house. just...no. :)

    2. Yes, some things are only done with your own facilities. --ken

  5. A bidet seat on your commode can help the hemorrhoids, as can eating things that strengthen veins (hemorrhoids are just vericose veins in an unfortunate place). Think bone broth and vitamin C. Don't overtighten your belt.

    Saccharomyces Boulardii can help a lot with your Giardia. I take it along whenever I travel to countries with questionable water.

  6. I'm learning a lot! Thanks for all the good info!

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  8. The remedy for part of this is what they call a sitz bath. Sit in an inch or two of warm water. Works wonders. Roger

  9. If you do have Giardia self treatment is unlikely to help. It requires antibiotics. Metronidazole is the treatment of choice.


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