Sunday, December 18, 2022

Have a peaceful holiday

Sometimes holiday guests bring devices that you cannot figure out or are "locked". Alarms go off. They make distressing noises. 

The owners of the devices are sleeping in. What to do???

I throw them into the refrigerator. Close the door and the sound goes away! Problem solved.

Note: Generally not a good idea if the source of the noise is a young child.

Follow me for more holiday hints!


  1. ERJ, the random phone alarms has increased here as well with the arrival of Na Clann. Sometimes they are intentional; sometimes they are leftover alarms that were not changed.

  2. That's a GREAT idea !! Thanks. When you figure out what to do with the kids please let us know.---ken

  3. Coffee and chocolate, followed by open doors works for kids.

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  5. At this time of the year the outside is a fridge for much of the N Hemisphere. You can put both gadgets and children out in it. The latter usually enjoy it, run around until tired and come back in


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