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You (interesting choice of pronouns suggesting HE has no intention of placing himself in harms way) show up 100 deep in every rural town in a 50 mile radius intent on revolution..."
By my count, there are 46 municipalities that meet the definition of "rural town" within 50 miles of Lansing, Michigan*. To execute this "leader's" vision of shock-and-awe requires a minimum of 4600 recruits. Remember, that is the point-of-the-spear and traditionally the shaft of the spear is much larger than the point.
There are 45,000 students at MSU when it is in session which implies they would have to recruit 10% of the students to travel more than a mile from a Starbucks to regions where there is no free WIFI. But MSU is NOT in session.
At four recruits per vehicle they need over a thousand vehicles. At two per vehicle they need over two thousand vehicles...vehicles that will placed in harms-way after the recruits leave them to protest. Boy, will Mom be pissed when the Prius gets trashed!
Why the estimate of two-per-vehicle? Because the recruits will be drawn from the most anti-social elements. They cannot get along with normal people. How will cramming four of them in a car work out?
This yahoo proposes targeting on the State of Indiana. So the transport logistics went from driving 20 miles from East Lansing to Ovid, Michigan to driving 200 miles to Indiana. Logistical challenges rise at a rate of approximately R^2. That is not going to happen unless the effort is supported by governmental units. Even then, the issues of securing their transportation while protesting is a weak link. If the transportation is impaired, say flat tires or smashed glass, then the protestors are stranded in hostile territory.
Bonus image
*I cheated and counted the number of communities in Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Ionia and Shiawassee Counties that were not urban extensions of Lansing.
There is a reason that animal rights activist attacked little old ladies wearing fur and not bikers wearing leather. There is a reason for the second ammendment.
ReplyDeleteSo the question is... why hasn't this punk been arrested for inciting violence?
ReplyDeleteYour terms are acceptable. Have backhoe, quick lime and 40 acres.
ReplyDeleteThis person's suggestion does NOT happen in rural areas for the same reason Islam and Mosques are NOT targeted by lefty goons for being anti-gay / anti-abortion - strong males will react with swift violence in defense of their culture.
ReplyDeleteGlobalist elites in the urban enclaves would like to think that most males have been neutered in much of Western culture, and that the police will always be there to protect them. It will be rather interesting to see what happens when bellies go empty for a few weeks/months...
He clearly doesn't know the history of his movement... In 2020 various associated groups tried this a couple times; it went over badly at best.
ReplyDeleteHe also hasn't done the math of how many rural towns there are or how spread out they are.
Besides, almost everybody who "peacefully protested" in 2020 was paid to be there and bused in, often with free food as well. Is anybody paying this time around?
Sadly, I am quite sure the same bad actors (cough Soros, Democrats cough) will fund, feed, pay medical bills and lawyer fees as before.
DeleteThey have shown surprising levels of training and discipline as well as obedience to orders. Not a "Mob" but a movement.
Don't think stupid people acting out. Think sponsored terrorism aka Hitlers Brown Shirts or even Rhodesian Brush Wars.
The range will be hot BOTH Ways, not a Bubba's turkey shoot.
As Sun Zhu might say don't overestimate Your abilities NOR underestimate the enemies' abilities.
DeleteBut in rural areas, the cops and prosecutors are less likely to let them off, and they would have much longer lines of retreat or resupply.
As Michael above says the range could be hot both ways. I guess the pot stirrers figure they get more bang for the buck with urban discord. As you pointed out taking the “love” out to the countryside would require some serious logistics, it will require more serious rioters. With the urban riots a number of people go for the show and can step off if it gets too frisky. Coming to your town or mine will require more effort and commitment. If I were doing it, it would be more like a commando raid.
ReplyDeleteThere is a difference between being more prone to violence and being better at violence. I actually don't know he is better, but if I was planning to be on the pointy end I would really want to know before the blood started.
ReplyDeleteTalk is cheap.
ReplyDeleteSome allegedly enlightened folks don’t seem to get the concept that the police are there to protect them from “conservative” people, not the other way around.
I think something like this would have success in some areas. Theres a lot of suburbanites who live out yonder. Theres lots of folks that know the three S's too. I can teach those city slickers what a sack of lime is for!
ReplyDeleteOne solution to their car problem is to use buses (again). It might work. Once. Same thing with using box trucks to bring their toys. Plus, we now know that "Press" and "Medic" patches and anyone in the backfield with distinctive clothing or equipment are aim points..
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of Napoleon at Waterloo and the Germans at Moscow. In this case ."fish in a barrel " might be even more appropriate . And I sure wouldn't want to be the bus driver. ---ken
ReplyDeleteMake sure you have plenty fuel for the backhoe. It's going to be busy.
ReplyDeleteThey surely seem to have a lot of animus toward Christian folks and especially Catholics . It's not gonna' work out like they think it will though . Sometimes it sounds like the neighbors around here are popping popcorn . Even the widow woman that lives alone south of my place is out popping steel on a weekend evening. I hear her and I'll get my S&W 22A and go down for a visit . She is such a dear soul and a damn good shot too. I ask her "which eye you want me to shoot out" and she will throw hear old head back and laugh . I have a rare one with the 7 1/2 " barrel. But it's not popcorn CornPop !
ReplyDeleteJonathan beat me to it. It's been tried and failed miserably...
ReplyDeleteWatch for the early reconnaissance. Suspicious cars driving back roads, taking pictures, looking for signs of conservative political leanings like Trump signs and American flags. They might also take advantage of homeless/drug addled to act as arsonists. That was in evidence in parts of the west during the wildfires in 2020. Those vagabonds didn't walk miles out into the mountains from Portland to start forest fires just for fun, they were paid for it. There was probably a transport detail that recruited them in town, drove them to within a mile of the target and waited for a return for pickup and to complete the payment. If you are in a drought prone area, expect and plan for set wildfires.
ReplyDeleteI live in a very rural county in Indiana and the city slickers suffer from a myopic view. While they live in fear and believe everyone else does too, we do not. Life can be a little harsh out here and we are used to being mostly self sufficient. We don't need them and won't have them. They can visit if they behave. If they act like spoiled children disguised as adults they will be killed in mass with no hesitation. We use guns frequently and consider them normal every day tools. Same with axes, shovels, hoes, and other steel and wood tools.
ReplyDeleteJust a couple of years ago, some bikers were kicked out of a bar in our small town. They promised to come back with their gang and tree this***town. Ranch hands, cowboys and town people came loaded for bear. My 80 year old one eyed father in law had his weapons laid out on the kitchen table. Local insurance agent across from the bar sat watching and waiting with his 30-30. They were ALL looking forward to kicking ass and taking names. Nobody showed and there was great disappointment in town. It be best for outsiders not to temp the locals, they might be looking for a dust up.
ReplyDeleteThe wannabee antifa announce their plans. The Antifa just show up and start their jobs. Go to American Partisan and search Antifa reality check for boots on the ground info about just how well trained and disciplined real Antifa are.
ReplyDeleteThink Hitlers brownshirts not a cosplay mob in ninja suits.
Praying for wisdom
I've posted this elsewhere. I believe that the OP is a conservative trolling the leftards. They are dumb, but the ones that are in leadership positions aren't stupid. They know better than to travel too far from where their support base lives, the Democrat hives of scum and villainy. Too many farmers with thousands of acres of fields, backhoes, and hog farms. Not to be confused with condoning it, but years ago, if those kkknuckleheads in Mississippi had crushed the car, and tossed those 3 boys into a hog pen, it's likely they wouldn't even have been arrested. Of course, that then raises the question, were they really that stupid? Was the FBI more involved than the public knows? Given what we know about the FBI these days, it raises some questions.