Thursday, July 20, 2023

I moved the cattle to a new paddock today

Today's big task was to move the cattle to a new paddock.

The good news is that they handled the move like the old-pros that they are. I had to walk them across fresh grass to the opening to the new paddock because the paddock they are in is not adjacent to the paddock they were moving to.

That is one of the reasons I feed them a little bit of corn. They know what corn is and the love it.

I had some issues with the fence in the new paddock but Mickey Moused them to good enough for now. I need to address the issues but I don't want to stir up the critters any more than the moved got them excited.

A cow with a couple of her buddies, water, fresh graze and a salt block is usually pretty happy to not test the fences.

Hollywood Strike

Neither side has a particularly strong case.

The movies coming out of Hollywood for the last thirty years have been as cutting-edge and as imaginative as pulp, romance novels. You know the kind. The author makes a copy of her last novel and uses the auto-change feature in her word processor to change Danielle to Debbie, Brad to Brent, Dallas to Denver, Architect to Astronaut, Bentley to BMW and so on.

And they are afraid of "Artificial Intelligence" writing scripts?

The movie Sound of Freedom is crushing the box office and it has almost nothing in common with the Hollywood establishment.

A pox on Hollyweird and their ilk. Get the money up-front because the wild-world of the wired world makes it very difficult and expensive to defend intellectual (?) property.


  1. Now add in Hollywood Accounting designed to guarantee NO movie project EVER makes a net profit. Mel Brooks didn't pull the story line for The Producers out of thin air.

  2. Hollywood is on strike?????
    Didn't notice (or care)

    1. Ding ding ding!!
      Thats what will kill them. Realizing nobody gives a shit.

  3. And it's only going to get worse...

  4. Interesting history regarding Sound of Freedom movie:

    1.) When DHS cut off funding for agent Ballard in his S American snare ops and he quit his job just 10 months from vesting his Fed pension, Glenn Beck stepped in and funded it, ultimately saving hundreds of children. This is NOT mentioned in the movie.

    2.) Once Angel purchased the movie rights from Disney’s M&A activity gone flotsam and jetsam, no Hollywood studio or executive producer would step up to fund the making of the movie. Who did? The CEO of GOYA Foods became the executive producer. He must have been keenly aware of what was happening to kids South of the border.

    May God sort out the perpetrators who enslaving children and punish them justly. We as a society can’t even deal with a presidential crime family as evidence boils up like oil on Jed’s farm, much less save kids from being sold into horrible torture and abuse. Sad.

  5. • Sound of Freedom just hit $100million at the box office despite derision from the Left.
    • Try that in a Small Town is the #1 song on iTunes
    • Bud Light and Target have lost billions
    • Disney lost nearly a billion bucks on their last 8 releases
    • Disney World is empty

    Do you think they’ve noticed?


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