Saturday, July 1, 2023

Garden Party position on Reparations

The word "Reparations" has the word "repair" as its root.

In popular usage, "Reparations" has become synonymous with "cash payout'. Any thinking person must be mystified as to how this will "repair" the damages done to the Black community in the United States. Every study that compares people cursed by "found money" with people who must trudge of to work on a daily basis to earn their daily bread finds that the metronome and esteem of "work" improves nearly every mental-health metric.

A million words could be written about those damages done to the Black community and it would only be a start. But if one were to sift through the stories and look for patterns, the systematic destruction of the Black family would play a pivotal role in most of those stories. It is the fulcrum that moved the universe, the pivot the tragedy orbits about.

The Garden Party's position on "Reparations" for the Black community is Repair the culture by stopping the attacks on the institution of Marriage of all races. It is to give more than lip-service to the importance of fathers living with their wife...the mother of their children. "Institutional racism" isn't the KKK. It is the self-serving institutions that financially penalize married couples, that deny opportunities and benefits to intact families.

We get more of what we subsidize. Children who grow up with their mothers and have no access to their father are needlessly handicapped in the tumultuous contest that is life.


  1. Well said, and no disagreement here!

  2. The extensive government safety net created in the 60s and 70s was intended to be a tar baby, trapping all but the most vigorous in a permanent client underclass for the many layers of bureaucracy required to administer the programs. We need to repeal the Great Society and eliminate all the Federal agencies created by those laws to start the recovery process.

  3. "Reparations: should ONLY go to people who were ACTUAL slaves and the costs should ONLY be born by people who ACTUALLY OWNED slaves. Pretty simple. And eminently fair.

  4. I have no idea how to humanely get things on track. Folks who are the product of several generations of the welfare system do not have the same frame of reference. You or I might feel shame at not providing for our family- they think of “entitlements”. Ultimately someone else is always responsible, if things go wrong its the governments fault.


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