Thursday, July 20, 2023

A few videos that I enjoyed

Notable for the frugality where the house-wife (not a slam, she is at least half of the household economy) does not discard the greens of the beets but adds them to the soup.

Also notable because it is clear that she "did" her nails before recording the video. 8-)

Recorded in September in Russia. Cute kids show up at 7:15 mark if you want to see the audience she was preparing the food for.

School lunch in Japan.

Japan is an unusual country. In general, they are very thoughtful and deliberate as one might expect in a domain where resources are scarce and children are rare and precious.

Lunch is not a quick re-fueling and a vacation from supervision. It is a learning opportunity.

Doing much with little.

A little bit of flour, yeast, eggs, greens, poppy-seeds....

We have tools that dwarf everything available to da Vinci and Michelangelo and we still cannot approach their genius.

Art and creative genius is not the tools. It is the hands and the heart of the artist!

I find videos like this to be calming. There is nothing frantic or spastic in these videos.

Things take less time when you take the time it takes.


  1. Thank you for posting ERJ. I always appreciate video recommendations, as there is simply so much out there.

  2. Summer and the living is easy. Come winter it's sow belly, taters and gravy. Been there.

  3. Beets' leaves are essential for barszcz (but they cannot be too "mature"). In fact there is a variant of this soup that is made up of young beets that essentially have no bulb yet, so it is almost entirely leaves.


  4. Sent the Nippon school kids lunch video to a friend. She says it was just like her mother described. Those kids are getting a much better education than our ... sorry, almost typed a bad word ... US children.
    OT: we were walking around Tokyo trying to get a glimpse of the Emperor when we noticed 3 yellow school buses full of police in riot gear. We went elsewhere...


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