Saturday, February 15, 2025

Why are Liberal women so unhappy?

It is my opinion that Liberal women are unhappy because they willingly embrace delusional thinking*.

Traditional wisdom holds that when expectations crash into reality then expectations must be adjusted. That is not what many Liberals think

Happiness-or-Unhappiness is Expectations .minus. Reality

People who are unwilling to modify expectations are doomed to misery.

Some Liberal "feminist" expectations:

  • "You can have it all"
  • "You deserve it all"
  • "You are beautiful and perfect"
  • "You are powerful"
  • "Rage makes me powerful"
  • "Society must change to accommodate you"
  • "You deserve applause and adoration for being a feminist"
  • "Having emotions is the same thing as working and should be rewarded LINK

It bears repeating that all of these expectations are flogged on social media. The more social media a person consumes, the more their expectations will diverge from "reality".

Secondary to the Expectations .minus. Reality issue is the dissonance created by "Have it all" thinking


"Men turn women into objects when they think about women in a sexual way" coupled with "I can dress and act like a total slut with no consequences"

"It is bad when men treat me as an object" and "Men are ATMs who are expected to pay for my meal"

"I am powerful" and "Society has to totally change for me to achieve my potential"

"Women can do anything a man can do" and "Math and science must be changed to make it conversational and subjective so women can do it"

* Some types of Delusional thinking

Erotomanic (belief that someone is in love with one) 

Grandiose (belief that one is the greatest, strongest, fastest, richest, or most intelligent person ever)

Jealous (belief that one is being cheated on)

Persecutory (delusions that one or someone one is close to is being malevolently treated in some way)

Somatic (belief that one has a disease or medical condition or is "trapped in the wrong body")


  1. It could be because over 50% of liberal women have been diagnosed as having a mental health condition.

    This is per a 2020 Pew study (note that was a 2020 study, it's gotten worse since).

    Making matters worse, the remaining percentage of liberal women just simply haven't been diagnosed yet.

    1. All women, not just liberal ones

  2. Root cause analysis?

    Start with did they have a loving father and mother that respected each other?

    Rootless children search for belonging and tend to group with likeminded rootless people.

    I could flood this blog with bible scriptures about all the above.

  3. I’ve simply come to the conclusion that the sexes (there are only two) will never understand each other. Most men know they don’t understand women but sadly, most women think they understand men so we’re victims of their misunderstanding.

  4. Oddly Vox had this today:

    1. A friend emailed me this link ( yesterday. I tried to chase the links embedded in that article back to get closer to original sources but the links took me to a Table of Contents listing various Deseret publications, not to a specific paper.

      Deseret is an LDS oriented publication house...which is not a problem for me for this kind of information...but it meant that I could not "see" how the sample was collected and I could not see any discussion regarding how they assigned directions-of-causality.

      The inherent bias in the image posted by VOX is that we are trained to assume that the horizontal axis is the independent variable and the vertical axis is the "dependent" variable. So the bias is that happiness is a function of political orientation.

      But what if unhappy people are drawn to a Liberal mindset? Or, what if there are internal feedbacks that create a not-virtuous, downward spiral (this gets my vote)?

      So, rather than blog about that image or the essay my friend sent me, I decided to post my gut-feel about some of the characteristics of that not-virtuous, downward spiral.

    2. "But what if unhappy people are drawn to a Liberal mindset? Or, what if there are internal feedbacks that create a not-virtuous, downward spiral (this gets my vote)?"

      Embrace the power of "and" friend.

      Blaming others for your own lack of happiness isn't healthy. Responsibility is self-discipline and seldom is that glorified.

      That poem Deserata speaks well to that.

  5. Fred in Texas, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is the answer. Its the meaning of life. Remember fellows, If its got tits or tires, eventually its gonna have/be a problem. And this gem, boobies are the bait on top of the hook.

    1. Funny, I looked it up b/c I didn't know.
      First result was New International version of the bible:

      4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

      Then I switched to KJV:

      4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

      5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

      6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

      7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

      Same book?

    2. Different foundation texts: KJV uses Textus Receptus and Masoretic. NIV uses the ever changing eclectic Nestle Aland which gets cobbled together out of Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, LXX, Stuttgartensia, many more, and even thin air.

      The translators also use different methods since they have different goals. Read the Translators Epistle in the KJV and compare their intent to the increasing flood of fakes in the last century and a half.

      Grab a concordance and do a word search...Strong's Exhaustive is a good one.

  6. I came into the church about 10 years ago, in my late 50’s. Grew up with little religious instruction, believed all the woman-first, peace and love hippie stuff in the 1960’s and 70’s. I was never happy, really. Came into the church and starting reading the Bible. I felt like all the questions were answered, like I had found truth, and guidance. Men and women, purpose in life, order to most things. I attend a traditional Catholic Church. I wish I had found it years earlier.
    Southern NH

  7. It’s highly processed and purified weapons grade cognitive dissonance. Most liberal ideologies are based on pretty lies that appeal to emotion and not to reason. Since the world painfully and obviously doesn’t work the way the girls know it should - it has to be someone’s fault… and that someone could be such bogeymen as the Patriarchy, Big Oil, Orange Man Bad… etc ad nauseum. They must be punished too. Most of the feminine grievance movements are all about vengeance more than anything else.

    I used to think that given time, Darwin, Murphy and God could reverse the mental illnesses but now…? Maybe they can… but most of the women that fall for the mental viruses never seem to recover. Many get worse with age too.

  8. Interesting and well-written! Reading this helped me sort out a few related thoughts I've had while dealing with people one or two generations younger than me.
    I think you've hit the nail on the head by stating that the real problem with unhappiness in these folks is being unwilling and unable to adjust expectations to reality. This applies to a large swath of the younger generations, certainly many young women who have set expectations based on what they see in social media and the like.
    There's a similar point that I think would help many young adults, men and women, as they progress from teenage years into adulthood. That is, many of us have seen "young adults" who had a lot of promise but who stumble with various problems in their 20s and don't seem to fully grow up. I'm thinking of one young man who passed through our department at work who was struggling with some life setbacks after a promising start. In his case (and many other young folks I've either met or who are children of friends), trouble making it in the world after being raised as a Princess or as a Prince. Another person who knew this young man's family said "if you met his mother, you would understand" ie his mother was a "dragon lady". I hope it helped this young man as we told him that although he is indeed a fine young man and his parents love him and he is gifted etc, every single person of us has to learn to make your way in the world where we're NOT special and people don't look at us the way our parents did. Basically you're point though, mom and dad may brag on you and your accomplishments and while that's all true, that's not going to be the story of your life because you're the most special boy or girl in the world. You have to go out and make that story happen in places where people don't know you by what your parents thought of you, but instead know you by the work reputation you've made yourself.

    Adapting expectations to reality though, that's a key.

    Tom from East Tennessee

    1. My husband and I see a similar shorter explanation: most people are too far from the farm.
      They don’t have responsibility, consequences, or good parental instruction. They don’t see life and death, most of them anyway, or learn from mistakes. They don’t learn to recover from adversity.

  9. I always tell young men that when they date a girl to get to know her mother well because that is what she will be in 20 years. I'm glad I'm an old coot that has left that all far behind. I sure wouldn't want to be in it now. ---ken

  10. As life becomes easier and the price of failure becomes less the incidence of mental illness increases. When humans have to spend most of their time working towards surviving and thriving they generally don't have time to be mentally unstable. We are a victim of our own success as a society.

  11. unhappiness comes from being ungrateful.

    1. And ingratitude stems from (and also helps cause) discontentment. The one who is content will be grateful for what he or she has, and likewise, the one who practices being grateful will also become content.


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