Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Presented with minimal comment


Picture on the left taken five years ago, just before the wedding. Picture on the right of the same person after popping out three kids.


  1. The calories don't go in - the weight don't go on. There are however other underlying problems.

  2. Moustache looks the same.

  3. The one on the right looks like a dude.

  4. Safe bet there won't be a 4th.---ken

  5. Replies
    1. This blog-site is not curated and sometimes you get an omelette of last-weeks left-overs fried in brain-drippings.

      It is the human condition that every one of us carries a spark of "made in the image and likeness of God" and 'taint of that bite of apple from the Garden of Eden.

      You can look at a platypus and be offended or you can look at a platypus and marvel. Life dishes out less scar-tissue to those of us who choose to marvel rather than scold.


    2. Very well said, sir!

  6. I blew up the picture on the left, eliminating the thing on the right.
    Then I marveled.

  7. Exactly what happened to my BIL .... Married a 95 lb spicy latina with a bouncy caboose. 4 years and 2 kids later, his ex-wife is rather round!

  8. Having kids changes eye color?

  9. Ain't nothing attractive with either.

  10. A hot 18 year old latina is one of nature's cruelest jokes/traps. Never forget that big t*tties on an 18 year old and Mestizo heritage are sure signs of a tendency to accumulate fat. I once saw one go from Swedish bikini team hot to blimp in a year. All it took was a ring. Not from me, thank goodness.


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