Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Marxist thinking vs Reality


Marxist thinking

  1. Keeps the furnace running
  2. Paid the water bill
  3. Paid the electric bill
  4. Paid the property tax bill
  5. Found somebody to plow the parking lot and sidewalk and paid them
  6. Throws salt on the walks or hires somebody to do it
  7. Keeps the roof repaired so it doesn't leak
  8. Re-keyed the door after you broke up with your ex (again!)
  9. Recarpets the apartment/house every five years
  10. Fixes holes (lots of holes!!!) in the drywall
  11. Sprays the spiders
  12. Traps the mice that eat the spilled food that you are too lazy to sweep up
  13. Deals with unruly neighbors
  14. Replaces broken windows
  15. Lets you back into your apartment when you forget your key
  16. Keeps the smoke alarms functional (never-mind the fact that you pitch them out the window every time you bake a pie) 
  17. Runs the Ozone Generator every time you have a party and the entire wing stinks like weed.
  18. If there is a pool, he hires somebody to balance the chemicals and disinfect the pool when your satan-spawn craps in it.
  19. Mows the grass or hires somebody to do it
  20. Gives you grace when your check bounces and you need another week

Am I missing anything important?


  1. Insurance? Or in Marxist "thinking" that isn't a renter's problem (like most of what you've listed).

    “The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”
    ― Thomas Sowell

    Most current "Marxists" are not thinking folks. Thier FEEEELINGS are All Important thus calm discussions with mere Facts isn't worth the effort.

    1. "Emotion" is our native operating-system.

      Logical/rational is an inefficient, non-native app but the benefits outweigh the inefficiencies.

      People who are too lazy or are incapable of functioning in the logical/rational emulation mode demand that everybody accept the lie that the two systems are interchangeable and of equal value even though there is a gross over-supply of "feelers" and excess demand for "logical/rational".

  2. Thanks for reminding me of most of the reasons why I got out of the rental business. Along with others like stealing appliances and even carpeting and cabinets and plumbing and electrical fixtures. ---ken

  3. 😊 not a fan of Marxism.

    I think you hit some good points.

  4. Cost me over $10000 to 'fix' things after the last renter screwed up my Condo... Sold it at a loss just to NOT have to screw with it again. And yes, I supposedly 'had' a management company that cost $200/mo to take care of the place.

    1. Your story is why we never considered renting our house when we left California. Not just because I never want to give those b***ds another dime.

    2. The potential of being a long term landlord is also guiding certain decisions in my own life. Not something I enjoy at all.

    3. "California" and other deep-Blue states (sadly, Michigan falls in that group) did not require renters to pay rent during Covid but did not give landlords any relief on having to pay property taxes.

      After all, landlords are the idle rich living off of "surplus" wealth.

  5. How about "earned the money to buy the real property" in the first place?
    And likely assuming the risk of a mortgage.
    Somewhere in the history of the cash for down payment or purchase, someone worked for it and produced value.

  6. I was a little disappointed when I saw that posted at another site. I've been checking it longer than I knew your's existed.

    1. Obviously, I picked that meme up at another site.

      I just assumed that blogger was having a brain-fart day. None of us are perfect.

      Rather than going all "Margaret" on that particular blogger, I decided to repost the meme and see if I could "add value".

  7. The really pernicious assumption in this way of thinking is that the landlord's huge investment of capital doesn't represent productive labor. Joe, I assume you have a nest egg and presumably you got it through hard work and not making bad decisions. Suppose you invested that nest egg in an apartment to rent out and the tenant claimed you had done nothing to earn the rent he pays.

  8. The meme states the landlord contributes nothing to society. What an ignorant thing to say. The landlord is making shelter available to others, something most people value, or they wouldn't trade money for it.


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