Obligatory Melaninites, in houses they didn't build, consuming things they didn't make and didn't buy. At least a paleskin switched off the power, which when it happens for real, will not result in a gleefest blockparty.
Funny innit, the reality of the make believe world vs. the reality of the real world? I honestly wonder why parts of society want to pretend life is different than it is. Wishful thinking is one way to view it, social programming another. Why isn't the programming effective? Why is it always only one way? How come you never see a gaggle of run-down section-8 homies chilling w/a blunt with that cracker from across the street?
If you want to get technical about it, most white folks didn't build their own houses, they were built by red-necks and hispanics. They don't own their own houses, they are owned by the bank.
All of the snide put-downs of the Blacks are identical to the put-downs of the micks, wops, hunkies, polocks, hillbillies, block-heads in the 1950s. The video MIGHT have happened in a 100% Irish neighborhood or a 100% polock neighborhood or a 100% diego neighborhood but not in a "mixed" neighborhood.
From the time frame of the adulthood of a human, there might seem to be no progress and blacks might seem to be beyond redemption. But there has been progress, both in behaviors and in social acceptance.
Except where there has been Leftist capitulation (example, education).
Even though the housing is "wrong", this kind of thing could happen in 2019 in a group with high cohesion, like a military unit married housing unit.
"Owned by the bank". With the way property tax works those houses are only yours (& the bank's) as long as you pay the government taxes... kind of like rent.
My reality exactly. I pay the city an amount equal to two monthly payments of my previous mortgage for the privilege of living here. Could be worse I guess, Could be three months payments.
That is a feel good one, no question!
ReplyDeleteI see what you mean and I agree.
ReplyDeleteBeen there done that
ReplyDeleteGot to know neighbors as friends
Turned lemons into lemonade
Obligatory Melaninites, in houses they didn't build, consuming things they didn't make and didn't buy. At least a paleskin switched off the power, which when it happens for real, will not result in a gleefest blockparty.
ReplyDeleteFunny innit, the reality of the make believe world vs. the reality of the real world? I honestly wonder why parts of society want to pretend life is different than it is. Wishful thinking is one way to view it, social programming another. Why isn't the programming effective? Why is it always only one way? How come you never see a gaggle of run-down section-8 homies chilling w/a blunt with that cracker from across the street?
DeleteIf you want to get technical about it, most white folks didn't build their own houses, they were built by red-necks and hispanics. They don't own their own houses, they are owned by the bank.
ReplyDeleteAll of the snide put-downs of the Blacks are identical to the put-downs of the micks, wops, hunkies, polocks, hillbillies, block-heads in the 1950s. The video MIGHT have happened in a 100% Irish neighborhood or a 100% polock neighborhood or a 100% diego neighborhood but not in a "mixed" neighborhood.
From the time frame of the adulthood of a human, there might seem to be no progress and blacks might seem to be beyond redemption. But there has been progress, both in behaviors and in social acceptance.
Except where there has been Leftist capitulation (example, education).
Even though the housing is "wrong", this kind of thing could happen in 2019 in a group with high cohesion, like a military unit married housing unit.
"Owned by the bank". With the way property tax works those houses are only yours (& the bank's) as long as you pay the government taxes... kind of like rent.
DeleteMy reality exactly. I pay the city an amount equal to two monthly payments of my previous mortgage for the privilege of living here. Could be worse I guess, Could be three months payments.