Tuesday, February 11, 2025

1858 New Army Replica Update


At the time when this group was shot, 0.030" had been removed from the front sight. Group shot at 45 feet. Two of the shots were touching. One of the low shots was definitely a "light" load.

My apologies for the belated report.

We went down a rabbit-hole on nipples. The gun owner "up-graded" but there were issues. The part of the new nipples that the percussion cap slides over was too short for CCI #11 caps and many of them did not detonate. Additionally, the flash-hole was visibly smaller than the Pietta nipples and half of those that did go-off failed to ignite the Triple Seven. Triple Seven is significantly more difficult to ignite than black-powder.

So, the nipples were changed back to the original Pietta nipples.

Over the weekend, I learned from the internet that Triple Seven is not a "corned powder" but a "riced" powder and is compressible. Black powder MUST be compressed but compressing Triple Seven changes its ignition and pressure curve characteristics.

Well, that is a horse of a different color.

At this point, I see no need to fiddle with the sights as long as we stick to 0.451" diameter, Hornady round-balls and 25 grains of FFFG Triple-Seven and 0.7cc of turnip-seed filler.

Our focus will now shift to making how far we press the ball into the cylinder as repeatable as possible.

Referencing back to the target shown at the top of the page: a 3"-by-5" index card centered over the aiming point covers four of the five shots and the fifth shot touches the lower edge of the card. In my book, that is minute-of-bunny-rabbit accuracy at 15 yards.

Lifting notes: 6 X 135, 2 X 6 X 205, 6 x 215, 6 X 225, 6 X 235(PR) for total of 7320 pounds


  1. Wow, you have a lot of turnip seeds to use them for filler.

    But then again, I just bought my 2025 garden seeds. .7cc of turnip seeds would be a full packet of them right here.

    1. Bulk turnip seed is sold in farm supply stores for deer food-plots. It runs between $2 a pound and $4 a pound.

      A pound goes a long way.

  2. skip the filler, use felt wads. You can make your own with a o.50 punch and cheap felt bought in bulk.

    You choice of powder is....interesting.

    1. I can load filler faster when prepackaged in .38 Sp brass with the ends plugged with ear plugs. The turnip seeds roll like ball bearings. My fat fingers don't do so great with wads...might work if they were 0.44" dia but all the wads I see are oversized.

  3. It will be interesting to see if any of those seeds sprout when spring comes. ---ken

  4. In my experience, CCI#11 caps never fit any nipples on any gun I owned, they always needed to be pinched a little to make them stay on. I had better luck with Remington #10s, but whether they are still available I don't know. I used to shoot Cowboy Action Shooting with a pair of Pietta 1860 Colts. The reason for the smaller holes in the upgraded nipples was to reduce "blowback" through the nipple, which can actually lift the hammer enough to drop cap fragments into the action. I only used 777 when I couldn't get real black powder, some pistols shot "ok" with 777, others had a lot of vertical stringing, due to inconsistent ignition.


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