Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ooof! I ran on a treadmill Thursday

For reasons that are unknown to me, I was feeling stressed and thought that running would help take the edge off.

Given the surface conditions outside and the limitations of the local, indoor walking-track, I opted to run on a treadmill. On advantage of a treadmill is that most of them have heart-rate monitors. 

After a one-minute warm-up I ran for three minutes at the VERY sedate pace of 5mph (12 minute miles). My heart-rate was 165 bpm which seemed high. I walked at 3mph until it dropped below 140bpm.

I did that for my entire hour. Build up oxygen debt. Pay down oxygen debt. At the 30 minute mark I reduced the running interval to 2 minutes because the pay-back period was getting to be over five minutes and my bpm was above 170 after the interval of running.

Based on my "numbers" at the end of the session, I ended up running 15 minutes and walking 45 minutes.

And today my hip flexors are talking to me. Too long of a period with no running. I also have the "handicap" of having larger thighs than I did before I started dead-lifting. Using a measuring tape and readily available formulas, I calculated that each one of my thighs now weighs 9.11666829727759kg.

Conclusion: Dead-lifts do nothing to strengthen hip-flexors, the motion that lifts your knee and "kicks" your leg forward. 

Gratuitous humor

A man with three extremely competitive sons died.

At his funeral, the oldest son put $10,000 into his father's vest pocket.

Not to be outdone, the second oldest son put $20,000 into the vest pocket on the other side of the suit.

Knowing quite a bit about his two older brothers (he had been studying them his whole life), the youngest brother removed the money from the pockets and tucked in a check made out for $60,000 into his father's shirt pocket.


  1. Ouch, in more ways than one! But gotta admit the kid was smart(er).

  2. I have a St. Patrick 5K to get ready for and after taking December and 1/2 of January off, I'm back on the treadmill at work. I feel surprisingly GREAT so far !!!

  3. #3 was a lawyer. Woody

  4. There is a legend that the artist Salvador Dali had a habit of entertaining large groups of friends, acquaintances, and admirers at fancy restaurants. His treat ! And he would always pay by check, which he would take great pains to illustrate with sketches and then complete them with his famous signature - knowing that the restaurateurs would not cash his checks but prefer to frame them and hang them in the establishment.

  5. Your thigh weight; I assume that’s bone-in?

  6. Like the meme of the cannibals agreeing to take five illegal aliens a week.


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