Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fine Art Tuesday


Józef Brandt born in 1841 in southeastern Poland and died in 1915 in Poland.

Notable for his paintings of cavalry battles and the intricate workings of day-to-day operations of horseback mounted warfare.


Return from Vienna.

A Cossack "flirting" with a very young girl. "Cossacks" came from the the areas in and around the country now known as Kazakhstan (go figure)

Lots of war is far from glorious.

Battle standards were the "hand-held radio" of the horse era. It was how command-and-control functioned. Capturing flags cut the head off of the snake.


  1. Thaks ERJ! Very Cool.

    What an interesting (and rather obscure) thing to specialize in.

  2. Those were all great paintings!

  3. 4th painting. It appears straw is used to 'grease' the wheel hubs.

    The common belligerents are Cossack and mussleman.


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