Saturday, February 1, 2025

I thought it was fake news


Link to article

This is a real article published by a British-owned, mainstream newspaper.

Bevis and Butthead were not pictured in the actual article, but they came close.



  1. THAT is why they are at least 3000 controllers short...

  2. Word is quite a number of qualified and certificated personnel have stated they will seek employee elsewhere to avoid working with stumblebums, quacks, and garden variety shit for brains. And the harsh rules which protect the aforementioned.
    This is for at least the past three years.

    1. Prior to that, it was only the color of your skin which prevented entry. Then they opened the doors to the retards, misfits, and numb skulls.
      This is not a drill.

  3. The "Clown World" analogy being used to refer to the previous administration was not inappropriate.

  4. I wonder if anyone has reliable data on the percentage of not only prospective employees who never apply and established employees who leave because they don't want to be "tarred by the same brush" when the incompetence and gross malfeasance becomes too big to hide.

    Being part of a completely worthless organization can doom potential future job and career prospects.

    1. Yep. Rule No. 1 - never be associated with failure, no matter what your level in the organisation.

      Phil B


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