Monday, October 14, 2024

Why so many modern workers exhibit symptoms of mental illness

"Safety is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Satisfying our customers is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Compliance with Federal Mandates is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Passing internal audits is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Ever increasing quarterly profits are our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Reducing scrap-rate is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Reducing absenteeism is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Work/Life balance is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Recruiting the very best talent is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Addressing historical injustices is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Getting the boss's boss promoted is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Reducing our carbon footprint is our organization's Number One Priority!"

"Reducing head-count is our organization's Number One Priority!"

....and all before 9:00 AM on Monday


  1. As if my tinfoil hat wasn't tight enough... Historically speaking, there have been various periods of time where really gobsmackingly stupid actions were taken by a population, only to later be realized as an external influence.
    Many of the crazy french aristocrats and british elite from middle ages are rumored to have been so poisoned from the heavy metals in their makeup as to be clinically insane.
    Some instances of puritanical witch burning has been said to be rooted in a rye ergot fungus, aka LSD.
    Solar influence is a known unknown, was even mentioned in the most recent flare sent our-way that friends and family may be acting weird, in addition to your electronics.

    .. tinfoil hats aside, I did a bit of research into food dye's and other additives when my Son was diagnosed w/ ADD/ADHD. The Feingold diet is incredibly difficult to stick to, but we did for a while, and I'm certain it made a difference... When I look at the shopping carts of peers at the grocery store, I know their whole household is fubar'ed. Those are the Harris/Waltz people, IMO. The FDA said its fine, so they ingest mountains of it. Another example of the dispensing of personal responsibility by one spectrum of the country and how it manifests in political leanings.

  2. I once went to some advanced staff training for the huge, nationwide non-profit for which I worked. We were asked to explain our biggest hurdle to success. I did a pie chart of my supervisor's expectations--100% of my time for fund-raising, 100% of my time for membership growth, 100% of my time for adult leader recruitment, etc. etc. etc. I built a pie with about 1500% committed, but had to leave slices still available for "happy home life" and "personal time." The folks running the training basically said "Oh", then moved on to someone else.

  3. And after you’ve accomplished all that be 9:00 am Monday it’s:

    “What have you done for me lately” by noon.

    One company I worked for paid off a woman who claimed “wrongful dismissal” for being fired for embezzlement which she had admitted. The lawyers explained that the $55k they paid her was far cheaper than the cost of defending us. She had embezzled $35k. That’s what’s called “frosting my ass”.

  4. When everything is a crisis then nothing is.

  5. We had a bunch of that nonsense when I worked for a Fortune 500 company. At a manager's meeting the president told all of us our #1 job was to keep stock prices high, everything else secondary.

    1. That is not a bad goal. If you fail at any of the others then the stock-price will sag.

      It is not a bad goal as long as the captain of the ship doesn't start trying to dodge rain-drops in the typhoon.

  6. It may have cost me a lot of money but I flat out refused to work for the big corporate companies. I wonder if my problem with them isn't a product of my upbringing? As a kid in school they made it clear that they wanted the kids to do their own thing and seek happiness wherever they could find it, and if ya couldn't do that... it was because something was wrong with you.

    Then you get into the work world and the emphasis is on production, and keeping your damned mouth shut. A lot of you Yanks aren't aware of it... but us Canadians are light years ahead of you on DEI which I loathed the second I was exposed to it. We had useless vibrants everywhere and when they ran amok they never got called out for it... but the white people that worked for them sure did.

    The big corporations are now getting collectively mentally ill and will be suiciding themselves as Boeing is doing right now. I will not be unhappy to watch them die either... even though it will lead to harmful economic fall out even for me.

    We gotta get back to actually DOING the job rather than talking about how virtuous we are in doing it...

    1. Minor correction to " virtuous we are in doing it......": virtuous we are while NOT doing it..."

  7. Back when I was in business our #1 priority was having happy customers and making money. Guess I was a boring employer.--ken


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