Monday, October 28, 2024

They need to move about 20k Cajuns to the Everglades


Youtube video with three minute run-time

This video discusses a Burmese Python in the Florida Everglades swallowing a mature, Whitetail doe (female). Off the top of my head, my guess is that a 1-1/2 year-old Florida doe might average 90 pounds on-the-hoof.

According to the CDC, the median 12 year-old girl and the fifth percentile 15 year-old girl both weight 90 pounds.

The Everglades is not a healthy place for petite people to become too absorbed in their hand-held devices.

Hat-tip to Lucas Machias


  1. Panther or Python... Hmm.
    Most folks don't realize that there are places on the Earth you can go and NOT be the top of the food chain.

  2. Not 20k Cajuns - how about 20k illegals?

    1. I’m going with the Cajuns this time. Boa gumbo, anyone?
      Alan E.

    2. My intention is not to feed the Boas but to introduce them to a higher-order predator.

  3. Outside of Naples! lol. I know this Kamala dude who lives there. Emailed this story to him. Never let a crisis go to waste right!?


  4. I’d be willing to put it in a sauce piquant.


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