Sunday, October 20, 2024

Haitians ==> Quebec seems like a no-brainer

They both speak something that resembles "French".

Surely Canadian politicians crave enrichment.

Wouldn't it be far more cost-effective to import people who almost speak the language rather than to import people from Nepal and Burma or speak a hundred different African tribal languages?

Haitians landing in Saguenay, Quebec (for instance) is a more natural fit than flooding a small town in Pennsylvania with them. Easier on the Haitians. Easier on the town in Pennsylvania. Less strain on the infrastructure in both places.


  1. They don't do well in Queerbec, strangely enough. They're even dumber than fwenchmen...

  2. Now we have the Mauritanian. Our government in it's wisdom imported 2500 to a town in Ohio of 3200. How do you think that's going.

    1. I am too lazy to verify the information, but I am under the impression that eastern Mauritania is one of the few places in the world where chattel-slavery is still common-place.

  3. Citizens need to group together and force the illegals to be removed, and then recall the politicians who brought them to the town.

    1. The politicians will say they didn't know, no one told them.
      That may or may not be true. Now you will have to verify. Or, you move back to square one which is to remove the illegals. Which is where your fight has been all along.

      Because the politicians won't stick their necks out. This is not the representative democracy we thought it was.

      By and large, the people won't do anything due to fear of reprisal. But in multiple examples where townspeople did chase away illegals brought in by fedgov, there were zero reprisal from fedgov. Even in one instance where there was physical violence where tens of buses full of illegals were turned back, fedgov simply bused them elsewhere.
      Maybe there will be a response when more towns reject the illegals. We won't know until that comes to pass.

      (Several towns in San Diego county, Imperial county, San Bernardino county, and a small town in western Ohio of which I forget the name )

    2. Yep. That's why we need to get lots of rope.

  4. Works for me. So long as none of these "refugees" end up in my country.

  5. Or, hear me out, we could send them to a place where they'd be 100% at home: Haiti.

  6. If they have a work permit, are they illegal?
    I believe that distinction is overlooked when people are screaming their TDS.
    Employed a fellow for several years, whose e verify had checked clean, but it came to light when somebody across the country filed for unemployment, same name, same number.
    Which one wasn't legal? Or were neither?


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