Monday, October 28, 2024

Sometimes, you just have to spend the money and buy new hardware

As several readers predicted, there is a new stove in the future (the very near future) of the ERJ household.

The "universal" safety valve showed up. I had it installed in about 30 minutes. It lit and turned off like a dream. However, the flames were orange and 18" long.

Back to the internet.

This site said to turn the air-shutter to full-open and to make sure that the orifice cover was turned counter-clockwise so it was in firm contact with the bottom of the burner tube to tune the safety-valve/burner-tube for LP use.

The flames might have been only 16" long but they were still too-rich. There was just too much gas emitting from the safety valve.

Mrs ERJ suggested that I had experienced enough frustration to meet my quota for October. A little humility is good for the soul, or so she says

In a few minutes we shall sally-forth to yon big-box store and Mrs ERJ shall pick out my 2024 Christmas present.

My only regret is that I don't have Glen Filthie's personal phone number. I would have loved to consult with him. By his own testimony, he is a world-class expert on excessive amounts of gas. Between the two of us I am sure we could have wrung another 19 years out of the stove.


  1. Roll it out to an outdoor kitchen as a hot weather cooking area?

    Deal with the vagaries of the flame adjustment later?

  2. Skip that newfangled gas stuff.

    Or go sustainable:


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