Thursday, October 17, 2024

I watched part of Baier's interview with Harris

I don't think it will change very many minds.

Forgive me for being snide; I can see why she calls herself a "Brat". She cannot control herself when she doesn't get her way.

I have to admire Baier's artistry. He offered Harris a chance to repeat her allegations that Trump is mentally unfit for the office and then IMMEDIATELY counter-punched with "...and when did you first notice that Biden was unfit for the office?" implying that she is not a trustworthy witness for that kind of assessment.

Harris was oblivious to how she discredited her previous screed.

Also ironic is that Harris pointed to the turn-over in the White House staff during Trump's first presidency as evidence that he was too horrible of a person to be POTUS. Meanwhile, the Harris VP staff experienced almost 100% turn-over during her tenure. Again, she was completely oblivious to the three fingers pointing back at herself.

I wish he had book-ended most of her answers by observing "So even though you acknowledged that the American voters deserved an answer, you refused to answer the question as-asked."

The Fox staff also deserves some recognition. They flipped a graphic up on screen while Harris was bragging up how tough she was on Iran showing that Iran revenues more than doubled under Biden creating funds for terrorism.

A final bit of snark

The Harris supporters flooded social media with cheers about how well she did. Many of the comments, strangely, used similar wording. What caught my eye was "...she entered the Lion's Den..."

In my corner of the mid-West, there is a chain of porn-shops that cater to truck drivers. It is (or was) called "The Lion's Den". Freud is undoubtedly smirking in hell.


  1. It was a train wreck as far as the Dems were concerned. The interview was supposed to be much longer, but Harris's team frantically waved off the rest of the questions after she started whining about Trump did this and Trump did that, not once answering a direct question.

    1. It is fascinating to watch from the standpoint of a story-teller.

      Harris is a "narrative" person and dismisses requests for substantive answers about her platform with a wave of the hand and "It is somewhere in the 84 pages of my views on my website"

      Trump can be both a "numbers" guy and a "narrative" guy but his narratives are extremely compressed and straight-line.

      He would have answered the first question with "Our best estimates are between 9.8 million on the low-end and 16.3 million on the high-end" and let the chips fall where they will.

  2. I don't think minds will change now either Joe. It's all emotion now.

  3. It was clear from the first question, which she took over four minutes to not answer, that she went in there to filibuster not answer direct questions.

    As far as everyone one social media with similar comments. I’ve always said the left desperately needs three things: An original thought; A thesaurus; a sense of humor.

  4. ERJ, I am trying to think of the last presidential interview or debate I watched. I honestly do not remember anything past the 1992 debates, and only because of the outlier (Ross Perot).

    But no - at this point, no minds were changed.

  5. I don't watch those things. Watching dog turds dry is more interesting. As for voting, I think the whole country has their minds made up about who they will vote for. Probably less than 10 or 20 thousand people who don't know that yet. In my opinion.


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