Monday, October 7, 2024

Odds and ends

October 7 is when Hamas (possibly) lit the fuse of WWIII. To-date, Israel, Gaza/West-bank, Lebanon, Syria and Iran are duking it out while other wanna-be combatants are chomping at the bit. Today is also the anniversary of when Christian forces defeated the Muslim navy at Lepanto in 1571. I wonder if Hamas's choice of when to assault Israel was based on the anniversary of Lepanto.

Buzz-word alert

"Epigenetic inheritance" is a hypothesis that attempts to make "generational guilt" sound scientific.

The mental gymnastics follow: Trauma inflicted on one generation invariably damages later generations. The most commonly proposed mechanism involves cortisol (and other stress-marker hormones) being passed through the placenta and re-wiring the baby's brain in-utero

A sample of "epidemic inheritance" would be

If your mother experienced domestic violence, then you are far more likely to also experience domestic violence (either as perpetrator or as victim) in your adult life because of epigenetic inheritance.

If your grandmother experienced domestic are still far more likely to experience domestic violence...

The suggestion that a person is a victim due to circumstances totally beyond their control suggests that there are actors who victimized them and unrectified injustices exist.

The beauty of "epigenetic inheritance" from the standpoint of the victim-hucksters is that the victim has no agency so damages must be paid by somebody else (i.e. the government).

The fact is that the child who grows up in a house where domestic violence occurs imprints the interpersonal "skills" of the adults in the house. Skills that are passively absorbed can be actively upgraded but that doesn't suit the purposes of the poverty and race hustlers.

Get used to seeing the phrase "epigenetic inheritance" and "epigenetic trauma". If somebody lays that on you at a party, remind them that it is a hypothesis.

Bucks on the property

A nice little six-point, eastern count.

We also have a three point who wanders by the trail cam.

Nothing spectacular but it is heartening to see some antlers.

Mast report

The chestnuts set a very heavy crop but then the nuts didn't fill, maybe because of the dry-spell. One tree was in a more favorable spot so I got SOME chestnuts.

Raccoons are climbing the persimmon trees and breaking the branches. The deer come in during the morning and mop up what has fallen. I need to pick my Lehmen's Delight if I expect to have any seeds from them.

I have a couple of varieties with a lot of kaki in them, Journey and Dave's Kandy Korn. They have not been very impressive in Michigan. The Journey is early but very seedy.

1 comment:

  1. Weevils in every one of my chestnuts so far!


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