Saturday, October 5, 2024

Still here...

20 yards of shredded bark delivered this morning.

Two trips to yea-old-big-box store for items like screws and steel roofing panels.

Star drive deck screws are one of the items I expect to go up in price.

The ten-year average price for steel re-bar is about $3800 per ton or $2/pound.

1 pound of 3", #9 AC2 compatible screws (70 count) costs $9.

5 pounds of the same costs $29 or $6 a pound.

25 pounds of the same costs $100 or $4 a pound.

I also use a lot of 1-5/8" screws, so I bought a few of those, too.

The air-stapler assembles things fast. A few screws in highly stressed places is cheap insurance.

In other news...

I harvested two persimmons from a K-6 seedling. They were not soft-like-jelly ripe, so I will let them ripen on the shelf until they are. Expect a quality report in the future. The tree is already top-worked to Lehman's Delight but it is nice to have the under-stock produce quality fruit because all of the root-suckers will be genetic clones of the under-stock and persimmons can be prolific sucker producers.

A few Northern Spy are still hanging on the tree. They are not in prime condition but they are still edible.

No rain in the forecast for the next ten days. It is getting crunchy underfoot.

1 comment:

  1. It does not hurt to over buy stuff that you will use someplace on the homestead . I tend to just grab a big box of whatever I need and put the leftovers into stock. I've got a mini hardware store in my basement that's saved me many a trip to town. Living out in the middle of nowhere I hate the extra runs to town for little parts


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