Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Life happens

Southern Belle and Handsome Hombre were able to find an apartment at an attractive price by being flexible. The landlord rented them his "mother-in-law" apartment 14 months ago without a lease with the provision that if anything happened to his wife's or his aging parents that they would vacate on short-notice.

A few weeks ago one of his parents had a significant health-event. The assumption was that SB and HH had a six-week window based on projected physical and occupational therapy. That shrunk to four weeks and then three weeks.

They move into our house as a "bridge" tomorrow. Realistically, given the tightness of the housing market, it will take until the end of January to find a house and sign the paperwork. Unless, of course, they are willing and able to spend stupid amounts of money.

So...I am "phoning in" blog posts until things settle down. Things have been busy around here as I vacate my junk from the rooms they will be occupying. It is exhaust pipes and elbows time.

I am grateful to her landlord for the 14 months they had and the price he accepted. I pray that his parents do well.


  1. Charge 'em rent....just on principle.

    If you don't need the money, let it be a nice surprise for them when they do find a house...

    1. They offered.

      We accepted.

      It helps keep peace in the family and blunts any feelings that we might be showing favoritism among the other siblings.

  2. Short term rentals [AB&B and others] have really reduced normal long term rental properties around here and driven up those rent prices considerably so many people I know are dealing with the same matter you and Mrs. ERJ are now facing. You have my sympathy and I hope things work out well for all of you.---ken

  3. Given the likelihood that economic troubles are coming I'd charge rent and install a nicely insulated "office space or workshop ". That and drill a nice outhouse hole and put a "tool shed " over it.

    Your septic is sized by the bedrooms it has. Extra people will soon overload it at an emergency situation. Keeping urine out of both the septic and future outhouse is a good idea. Flooding septic tank and anaerobic decay of very wet human waste is a bad situation.

    Sorry to talk so bluntly but my discussions with grandparents that lived the Great Depression said that extended families who did well decided BEFORE taxes or debt took homes and farms to sell some places and put the extended family into the best place to deal with it. Excellent wells, access to good gardens and such.

    The rent paid for workshop is for that situation.

    Economic Winters coming. Tempus Fugit


  4. got room for one of these? https://www.amazon.com/s?k=house&crid=19FJ1VREJ0M68&sprefix=house%2Caps%2C151&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

  5. One day these will turn into fond memories. My daughter needs to leave the nest right now. She does a lot of things that aggravate me and she is 24 and needs a “big girl” job.

    Despite this I found myself on the table at the physical therapist’s today smiling at thoughts of her as a child,

    The young lady in there ask me what I was smiling about and I just told her she would not understand.


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