Friday, October 18, 2024

Bat-house #1 is installed


If you look to the right at the bottom of the pole, you can see the 2-by-6, 8' long diagonal brace to help stabilize the pole.

The wire running across the image to the right of the bat-house is the feed from the barn to the electric fence.

You can click to embiggen if you want to expand the picture. The roof is 24" square, ribbed steel roofing and extends 8" past the house on the southwest and northeast and 2" on the southeast and northwest.

Bonus image

A jar of pear preserves with sunlight shining through it. It looks a little bit runny. I hope it "sets" with a bit of refrigeration.

Hat-tip to Handsome Hombre who is in one of the construction trades and spotted for me.


  1. And in Liberal Logic, there will soon be a great reduction in insects, showing that the bat house worked almost immediately......

    1. Meanwhile, those of us who exist in the world of kinetic energy, seasons and dirt read simplistic, educational articles like this one:


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