Thursday, October 24, 2024

Elections matter

What is Trump REALLY like?

Link to very long video that I took the liberty of queuing to start where it gets interesting. The interesting part is about 4 minutes long but you can stop any time you like.

It ends with "For the last eight years, under Obama, we were not even allowed in the building..."

A tip of the hat to Billybob who lives in an unnamed, fly-over state.


  1. He lost me when he said Trump tells the truth. I think top generals declaring Trump a fascist is more notable than anything by a sycophant like Gorka.

    1. "Fascist" is now an undefined word.

      "Fascist" governments used to be governments where the means-of-production was nominally under private control but a very strong central government sent such strong signals "You WILL make Panzer Tanks!!!" that it was de facto a Collective-Private hybrid with a strong emphasis on centralizied/collective.

      If you accept that traditional definition, then the Harris/Biden administration with its vast military expenditures (supporting Ukraine and now, also, Israel) and their leaning on Meta, Alphabet and other organizations to censure US citizens looks a lot more like Hitler/NAZIs than Trump/Vance.

      So, in conventional usage, the word "fascist" has been diluted and inverted in meaning. It now means "Somebody I don't like" or possibly "Somebody who held me accountable."

      It is OK that you didn't like the clip. Most of my readers have brains and use them. That is part of what I like about blogging.

    2. Its projection. Per C. Marx., you accuse your enemy of what you are doing to sew confusion.
      They are the fascists, and know it, so they call the other side fascists, causing great confusion.
      I mean, fer Chris'sakes, they can't define what a woman is. Stop it, I'm not having any further conversation with this person. Besides the fact that a definition that's been accepted for EONs does not simply change in a few years, but if you cannot define what a man/woman is, you've got bigger problems than what we're dealing with.

    3. I wouldn't go so far to say it's undefined, but it has become somewhat of an expressive term as opposed to a technical one - similar to "Nazi", "Communist" or "Socialist" in today's political rhetoric.

      "Generals" calling Trump a "Fascist" are just sticks on the enormous bonfire that is Trump's in-plain-view behavior. I'm sure you're correct about your readers having brains - because the problem isn't a lack of intelligence, it's a lack of applying said intelligence to the situation. Folks have a 'blind spot' for Trump.

  2. So I was going to wait for a few comments before I spoke up but, the circular firing squad started up with the first comment. Trump is not perfect,no man is, but he’s what we have.
    If you think that deep state generals have you best interest at heart, I have a bridge for sale if you are interested.
    The internet is full of people that have to tear down everybody that even tries to run for office, because they don’t fit the perfect slot.
    At this point in time either get behind Trump or get out of the way.
    Grumpy old Macdonald

  3. I didn't realize what a big guy Gorka is - 6'6" ! The story sounds 'in character' from what I've heard about Trump. Obama worked hard to make the military what it is today, a clear expression of his distaste: Generals on the Joint Chiefs admitting they would talk with the enemy before following orders from the C.I.C. says a lot - a man dressed in a woman's military uniform and posing as Surgeon General says a lot more. It will take a long time to flush these stains out and restore honor.

    1. That piece of shit was the start of the decline. Gawd I only hope I get to see him swing before I die.


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