Tuesday, August 20, 2024

We are not the same

Re-enactment. Back-in-the-day we had to use boulders after we broomed the rattlesnakes from the top of them.

As young baby-boomers, we had to chase down lettuces in the wild and rip their heads off. Then we had to slam the bloody stump of the head against a rock and yank their brain-stem out to eliminate the risk of eating zombie viruses

When I was a young baby-boomer, there were no bags of salad with croutons and bacon-bits and dressing.

If we wanted a Caesar Salad, we had to conspire with a bunch of Senators and stab him to death ourselves.

We are not the same. Gen Z has no idea how hard life was.


  1. Oddly enough, this is the one skill I still use from my first "real" job in fast food.

  2. I remember as a kid, the first time my dad took me out cabbage hunting. We went to a clearing in the forest at midnight. He hung up a lantern and put on a tape of "The Teddybear's Picnic." After a few minutes, the cabbages all came dancing into the clearing. Then he beat them to death with a baseball bat.

  3. That explains why Cabbage Patch dolls have swollen faces

  4. I've tried to learn that skill, but have never had it come out that clean.

  5. In a sane country, there would be no illegal aliens, and that head of lettuce would cost $15 to reflect it's true cost.


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