Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Presented without comment



  1. "I do not carry a gun because I hate those against whom I stand, but because I love those I stand before"

  2. A friend of mine said basicly the same thing when a kid asked him after church!

  3. "Make Preparations in Advance - You Never have Trouble when You are Prepared for It " - Theodore Roosevelt

    1. When you are prepared, it shows in your demeanor. Even wild animals see it. There is power in boldness.

  4. Perhaps - but with the caveat that in some places, that duty extends only to yourself and immediate family. In some places using your gun even in legitimate self defense is now a crime, and heroes are punished in the courts and criminals are set free with a slap on the wrist.

    1. It is evil that politicians in places like Minnesota and California are doing everything they can to take away citizen's ability to protect themselves while at the same time doing nothing they should to discourage violent people.

    2. In such places, in such circumstances, I am going to die, anyway. In such circumstances, I might arguably have a duty to take as many with me, as I am able.


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