Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Only dead fish go with the flow"



I expect only about 10% of my readers to be interested in this. An executive summary can be found HERE. The executive summary lasts about one minute.

Father Mark Goring is not the typical Catholic Priest. He uses shovels and axes and wears work-gloves. He has a video where he goes dumpster-diving. He lives somewhere in eastern Ontario (Canada, not California). Not that it matters, but he might have a bit of First Peoples in him.

In this video, which is over 30 minutes long, he makes a three-day retreat away from distractions of modern life. He sleeps in a "deer-blind" near a river, catches fish to eat and spends time meditating and praying.

Boring? You can only make that judgement for yourself. He is irrepressibly cheerful and wears a tee-shirt for every occasion.


  1. Ordered the shirt. I hope I can live up to it.

  2. Interesting. I didn't have time to watch it all, but his goals sound good from what I did watch.

  3. A Good Man. So unusual in every denomination anymore. I like his dead fish line. Worth remembering. ---ken

  4. If you have a place like that to go to, it would be wonderful, I agree.
    I will have to be happy with sitting outside and just watching the yard around me. And being able to do that is a blessing.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed it very much. I have pined for the wilderness for a while but haven’t had time to get out in the solitude. I think I will plan something similar for this fall, once the daytime temperature cools a bit. Maybe out in the national forests near me, where I plan to do some hunting.


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