Sunday, August 25, 2024

A quick physical-fitness update

Quicksilver is living up to her name. She is a pretty good sprinter.

Unfortunately, there is a public road at the end of our driveway. Her game is to say "Appa!", "Appa!"* and when I look up she does the Chicken Run.

My sprinting gait is pretty lumpy due to damage to my left calf. What was good-enough last month is not good-enough this month.

I painted an orange line on the driveway with utility, ground-marking paint that is the finish-line. If I don't get there first...she still has to stop. We are still working on that concept.

Yep, grand-kids keep you young.

*"Appa" is a smash-together of "Old" and "Papa". Quicksilver has her regular papa and she has the senior, classic edition of papa.


  1. Think Invisble Fence.

    Just sayin'

  2. "Appa" (아빠) is also a korean word for "dad"

  3. Race the other direction - away from the road?

  4. Having lived in the South for quite a few years now, I might have thought some form of endearment for "grandpa".
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. I am Boppa to my G'kids. They can keep you tired out as well but I wouldn't have it any other way. Spent today with them and here I am now, happy and tired.

  6. Appa is also the flying bison in Avatar The Last Airbender.

  7. Time to handicap her. A weight vest.


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