Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fanfare for the First Lady


Audio clip


  1. Here's Ben Shapiro's take on that music, including where the Marines got it from.
    A TV comedy about a cavalry troop of incompetents, F troop.

    1. By working part-time, I'm making over $13,000 a month. I heard about the potential of online earnings and decided to explore it myself. It’s real and has completely changed my life. For more information, visit the website below.
      Begin here >>>>>>> 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐉𝐨𝐒𝐧.ππšπ²πšπ­π‘π¨π¦πžπŸ—.𝐂𝐨𝐦

  2. Question ERJ: The cake seems baked at this point as the current Resident is not running and all eyes have turned to the assistant Resident. How would she prevent a power transfer at this stage?

    1. I believe someone had a conversation with her and made an offer that could not be refused.
      Bow out, or we take you out. One involves a cushy retirement, one does not. She made the right choice. She didn't realize she wasn't the one holding onto the power. She probably genuinely believed she was somebody special. All of these types do. Thats why they act the way they do....

    2. Ah post review. Got it. Yes, undoubtedly there was a "conversation"...

  3. Boy I hate to say this. The personalities and the policies are mere distractions. The machinery of the election process, with millions of foreign invaders being registered to vote along with dead people and non-residents, and mail-in votes from real people hijacked before- Election Day, is the fundamental determinant of who "wins", and it's all controlled by one party. And when it's over, they'll laugh at you and call you a "denier" and dare you to do something about it. TINVOWOOT is not a mere slogan.

    1. No Sir. People do not yet grok whats coming, however they are starting to see things for what they are, which is how we get from here to there, and then through to the other side.

  4. Day of the voting the Republican Party has enough money to hire poll watcher everywhere needed. But once they close the door and the machines are off and broken down and the ballots delivered to the Courthouse for tabulation. The men, women could watch every door in and out. Boring, sure but that way no one is coming in and out after the building was closed. Atlanta was have ballots brought in in the middle of the night. Happened more than one place. So if someone drives up at 2:30 am and tries to walk in suitcases we have concrete time, place, person and pictures and video.

  5. As someone with more of a musical ear than I, if you listen closely you will hear the theme of the comedy F Troop.

  6. The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.
    Ernest Hemingway

    Our "Two Parties" are but 2 wings of the same carrion bird eating our Republics liver.

    They argue who gets the bigger slice of the pie, but neither are concerned with "We the people" aside from elections and political "Donations".

    Too many studies show the average American votes according to what the most recent media stories. Shocking I know (sarc).

    Seems there was some serious warnings about "excessive valuations (Greenspan when Fed Chair called excessive exuberance, just before the major recession) that the Great Depression was coming. Records show a lot of smart money went to cash and shipped their gold overseas.

    I noticed that just before the Great Depression the Democrats ran a nobody named Smith vs the Republican Hoover. Seems Hoover "Won" just in time to take the fall for the Great Depression as the media referring to sleeping bums covered my newspapers as Hoover Blankets and homeless shanty towns called Hoovervilles and so on.

    Then Democrats ran an avowed Socialist Roosevelt with a snappy song (you probably know it today) "Happy Days are here again" and a Chicken in every pot slogan.

    At the time FDR did his EO to nationalize gold, banks didn't have insurance. If your bank failed (and they did often enough) your money "in the bank" was gone. SO Gold was how families stored wealth.

    Dear FDR forced sale of gold @ 20.62 and promptly reevaluated its value at 35.00 an ounce. Effectively stealing some 40% of American family's wealth to fund his "New Deal" and such.

    FDR was so popular (WW2 fireside chats and all that) that he got 4 TERMS as President.

    I wonder as the smart money (Like Buffet and such) are in far more cash than ever if the Greater Depression is nigh.

    I wonder if the Democrats will run a nobody and "ALLOW" Trump to Win as to dump the Greater Depression and America's bankruptcy on him, MAGA and Repugs (no love lost between the two parties).

    Then perhaps they "Ride to the Rescue" for the Best Prez EVAR award and maybe 4 terms to pack that pesky Supreme Court?

    WW3? They seem pretty crazy to push every button they can of Putin, eh?

    Just a concern from someone who studies economic history as a hobby.

    1. And the media happily covered up FDR's polio and partial paralysis. Hide the wheelchair, never show him walking, etc.

  7. Definite 'hint' of F Troop... LOL

  8. Whatever else happens in November we are rid of this witch.


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