Saturday, August 24, 2024

Quiet heroes

No woman ever wants an abortion.

Frederica Mathewes-Green, a pro-life feminist, once wrote, “No one wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal, caught in a trap, wants to gnaw off its own leg.” What if rather than focusing on the freedom of the animal to gnaw its leg off, we focused on getting rid of the traps in the first place? 
A 2023 study found that only one third of women described their abortions as “wanted.” In contrast, nearly half described their abortion as “inconsistent with their values and preferences” and another quarter said that their abortion was “unwanted or coerced.” And 60% of women surveyed said that they would have preferred to give birth if they had received more emotional or financial support. Such a “choice” hardly seems free. True freedom for women (and men) lies not in abortion facilities but in pregnancy centers.
Pretty good article at the link posted above.

I was trawling the news feeds to see if there were any reports of an up-swing in violence directed at pregnancy centers as happened during the 2022 election-cycle.

That is when I found the article excerpted above.

I know some people who volunteer at pregnancy centers and they are definitely not MMA fighters or the kind of people whose first thoughts are about security or protecting themselves. In fact, the majority of them are little, old "grannies" with brittle bones.
"Pregnancy Centers" are misnamed. 95% of their support goes to children who are already born. They supply diapers, car-seats, cribs, dressers, "baby-starter" kits, formula, baby food, clothing, books and toys. Their care continues until well after the baby is born. Nearly all of it comes from donations from people like you.

Keep those quiet heroes in your prayers as this election cycle heats up.


  1. I just passed this on to LOTS of people. --ken

  2. Well let's have some clarity around here: the responsibility for contraception ultimately lies with the female. She is the one getting pregnant, she is the one giving birth and she is supposedly responsible for any child she bears. Abortion is about irresponsible women refusing to accept the blame for their actions. Same as it is with welfare. Men that abandon their responsibilities are complicit in foisting the consequences on others too.

    Having said all that... I am not against stupid and wicked people aborting their children or getting their tubes tied. The people favouring abortion and using it are notorious for abusing children that came to term and survived the abortion gauntlet. They are openly embracing pedophiles and child molestors now.

  3. Get married, or keep your legs shut. If that fails, put the child up for adoption instead of murder.

  4. Or maybe society could make it easier and more acceptable for women (and men) who don't want to have a baby to obtain and use effective, non-abortifacient, contraception?

    It's insane that the only modern contraceptive options available to men are either ineffective or irreversible.

  5. Effective contraception is widely available and essentially free. Anyone who can't be bothered to use it and instead resorts to abortion Is evil. And that covers about 99% of abortions. The right to "choose" includes keeping your knees shut and availing yourself of modern medical science to prevent conception....NOT murder.

    1. Some women test their boyfriend for "daddy" potential by buying a dog.

      Others start a baby.

      When it doesn't work out, it is easier to keep or give away a dog than to keep a baby.

    2. Ex-girlfriend #3 tried the "test the boyfriend for daddy potential by starting a baby" tactic -- that is to say, she went off the pill without saying anything to me about it, then thought I'd be thrilled when presented with a positive pregnancy test.

      She wasn't so thrilled when I presented her with a negative fertility test (zero motility and thus zero "daddy potential").

  6. After Mom died Dad did OK for a few years, but then he fell and broke his hip. If it wasn't for the women that worked the "home health aid" positions, he never could have stayed at home. A few in particular were very sweet, and we got to know them (especially towards the end). We were paying 25-45/hr, they received 12-15.... One in particular was Dad's favorite, because she took the time to listen to him. For 12-bucks an hour...

    1. The ladies who stayed with my mom were angels. My brother (the accountant) hired based on recommendations. He paid them directly and if memory serves, he paid $25/hour. Mom had around-the-clock care from 2019 until 2023.

  7. When I was of the age getting anything besides a perscription for hormones and keep jumping thru the hoops, and paying the piper for regular visits to the local gync remedy for that was unobtainium. I didn't play, but so many friends did...
    The raincoat works if one wants it to bad enough but requires a dedicated partner...

    1. Real world annual effectiveness of the raincoat is 80%. That's for consistent, but perhaps inexpert, use. The technology has barely improved in a centuries time.

  8. It's better to be shrek than LAUGHING at people who are really suffering


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