Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kamala's path to the White House

The media is painting Trump as angry and self-destructive as Kamala gains on him in the polls.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Harris is riding the convention "bump". Time is not Harris's friend.

Her main liability is the dilemma she presents to her handlers. Every encounter with the press creates "Ick!" reactions in the undecided. Not having her glad-hand with the press adds to the growing perception that she has disdain for "us little people". Her handlers have a task I don't envy. They have to thread-the-needle and create the appearance of public exposure without letting her open her mouth.

Trump is getting criticized for not pounding her on the issues but I think Trump has a better feel for how people react emotionally than the policy wonks.

Presumed candidate Harris needs to avoid getting goaded into responding to Trump. My expectation is that Trump will start hammering her on spending lots of time with the rich donors. THEY get time with her. But she cannot even be bothered to give soft-ball interviews with fawning newsies.

Campaigning for an elected office is like dating before marriage. What are the odds of a successful marriage if your girlfriend refuses to even give you a kiss but is already sleeping with the rich-kid on the other side of the tracks?

Harris's campaign trajectory puts her at risk of people making that association.


  1. I like how Biden has just disappeared off the radar and doesn’t even d seem to exist anymore …

    All attention on Cackula, peasants!

  2. From the other side of the pond, Harris is an unknown quantity apart from her failures on Mexico border control. What little that I have seen since her anointment as presidential candidate has been somewhat disparaging, referring to 'word salad' comments that have little content or coherence. In policy terms, I have seen her described as left wing, endorsed by her choice of running mate, and representing a further slide of the US into the sclerosis affecting the European Union, enhanced by a similar devotion to the nonsense of Net Zero.

    1. You are not missing anything. Her policies would lead to massive civil unrest, like you are experiencing. She has zero accomplishments. She has no ability to keep loyal staff - 92% have resigned. S/ “A Veteran for Trump”.

    2. Not an unknown. Her start in politics in California. Her rise (no pun) to various offices including state AG and her dismal performance and despicable acts while in office are well known.

      Or, maybe not as widely known as I thought. So help spread the word (ick no pun) of just how low intellect and how much a prostitute she really is. She truly is unintelligent. That's from her time in office in the state. On national office, her lacking is every bit only a continuation of her time in CA.

      A bright spot is though Senator , then VP, she has not occupied either office long enough to qualify for perks in medical care.

  3. I wonder if she even has that bump... The surveys I've looked at oversample Democrats by a lot yet only have her ahead by a hair.

    1. She need not campaign, the media has crowned her with wild adoration. It is better all around that she remain sequestered in the dungeon.

  4. Can you imagine that cackle day after day for the next four years?


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