Monday, August 5, 2024

The problem with Hate-Speech and the "Good People" argument

The problem with aggressive "Hate Speech" enforcement is that it removes one of the exit-ramps for problem resolution.

Many people respond to a calm "You are standing on my foot. Please move." Some do not.

Some respond to a louder "Hey, you flipping idiot, you are standing on my foot. Get off of it." A few do not.

Of the few who do not respond to the louder "...flipping idiot...", they need some additional words to grab their attention "....@#$%^& *&^%!!! Get off my foot or I will knock your block off!!!!" delivered at much higher volume.

Dumb-azzes are notoriously hard of hearing and the "@#$%^&" gets their attention.

Exercising that last exit-ramp before initiating physical violence will get you tossed into gaol in Great Britain and might get you fired.

The fans of the Nanny-State observe that violence is often preceded by @#$%^& and in their feeble-minds think it CAUSES violence. They think that by eliminating "Hate Speech" they will will "break the chain" that leads to violence.

This "Words are violence" trope ensures that escalations will be shorter and many more of them will end violently.

"Good people"

Another trope I am tired of is the entire "My friend is a good person and did such-and-so. That means that such-and-so behavior is OK."

I am very deliberately NOT listing any "such-and-so" behaviors because it would polarize and antagonize readers.

My beef with the trope is three-fold.

My first beef is "define what a good-person is". The Bible tells us that all good comes from God and standard Christian theology states that all mankind* are sullied by Original Sin.

Most people seem to define a "good-person" as somebody who consistently claims that their actions are based on a sense of altruism and empathy. That leaves a lot of wiggle-room. People are delusional and often very out-of-touch for WHY they do things. It is easy to rationalize actions after-the-fact by simply forgetting facts that contradict your personal narrative.

Another issue I have with "good-person" is that many actions revolve around allocating resources of some kind of zero-sum-game. If somebody gains, who loses? Are the losers considered in the altruistic-narrative? How many criminals have been shown "mercy" at the expense of their future victims? The dopamine rush of exercising altruism sees the plusses but rarely comprehends the minuses of their actions. The plusses are immediate. The minuses are in the future.

My second beef is the assumption of a transitive (if-then) property between "good-person" and "every action is morally pure/desirable".

Even if I accepted that somebody is a "good-person" (whose actions are informed by the Bible and by God's will), there will be times when they make poor, morally indefensible decisions.

Maybe they were tired, or hungry. Maybe they just had a fight with their wife or their boss. Maybe they had a couple of beers or are stressed for time. Maybe they were preparing a defense for their Doctoral dissertation or some other once-in-a-lifetime event and acting in the most moral way would pose an inconvenience.

Everybody is faced with hard-decisions as we navigate through life. Sometimes we make the wrong call.

My third beef is that one of the underlying drivers is the belief "It is more important that we have solidarity than that we be right"

I thought the other person was kidding me when they laid that line on me. They weren't. It was only later that I realized that I should have challenged them with "Since I am not changing my opinion, then you HAVE to change yours...because it is more important that we have solidarity than that you be right..."

I get that humans are social animals. But we don't have to be stupid.

*With the exception of Jesus and possibly his mother Mary. Some branches of Christianity believe that Mary was conceived without Original Sin.


  1. For me, the definition of a Good Person is someone who will always do the right thing by others when no one else is looking or cares. Kindness shown to animals even when they don't belong to you is another trait.

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  2. You have uncovered an issue that's also been festering with me. I'll try to explain with an example or two, but there's this idea that one person's 'rights' supersede another person's 'rights'. We see this usually resolved to the common denominator of 'safety', which is the methodology of the people claiming harm from 'hate speech'.
    So my right to express something is limited by another person's right to not-be-harmed-by-words... The debate does not center on whether actual words equal actual violence (one side merely presents it as fact and foundational to their argument), it's actually a debate around one's right to be insulated from opinion, vs. another's right to express an opinion. Simply ignoring either party is not sufficient, one must trump the other. They are not allowed to peacefully co-exist. The false-binary is a deliberate manipulation of the situation to create a dichotomy. Pick a side, no grey area's allowed. This also stifles debate, as 3rd or 4th options aren't allowed, only A or B.
    Another issue of this type that is becoming a problem is drones. Drones are considered aircraft under federal law, you can't shoot at them. They are not allowed to invade your privacy by snooping on the people sunbathing by your pool, or undressing near your window. Yet you aren't able to use lethal-force to defend your privacy because.. safety. Can't shoot the drone out of the sky, you just have to stand there and have your privacy violated while you wait for the police to address the legal infraction.
    The very same argument is used against castle-doctrine in NY (why I left!) You catch someone in the act of RAPING a family member, you are unable to apply lethal force to stop the crime. Non-lethal force is allowed, but you can't use a knife or gun on the perp because, doing so would present a lethal risk to the perp, thereby eliminating their right to a fair trial to determine their guilt.
    You just have to stand there and take being raped, until the police come to adjudicate the crime.
    Ponder that one a moment....
    The logic exists, and is even sound, yet at the same time, is staggering in it's implications.
    The criminal's right to a fair trial supersedes your right to peace and safety, because rape isn't necessarily lethal force (you most likely will survive if you comply, and can abort the baby up until birth in NY, so, no harm, no foul). Yet if you kill the perp in commission of the act, they are unable to be tried for the crime, and their right to a trial is superior to your right to safety.
    Boggles the mind, doesn't even begin to cover it.

    1. I meant to add.... God Bless Orwell, he was brilliant.

      All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. This is exactly what is at play here. Some people's rights are more important than others.

  3. It all makes sense when you accept the fact that TPTB hate you. And most of those laws are only for you…or rather, people of the wrong gender, age and race.

    1. To expand on your and Anon 7:04's comments.

      The Powers That Be hate everyone who threatens their power.

      They hate people who are in the habit of thinking critically.

      They hate people who ask "Who benefits?" "At whose expense?" "What?" "Why?" "When?" "How?"

      They hate people who demand more than an 8 second sound-bite.

      They hate people who cannot be bullied.

      They hate people who cook their own food. Who grow their own food. Who shoot their own food. Who home-brew their own entertainment.

      THeir power rests on partial truths, manipulation, outright lies, coercion and threats.

      They hate everybody who "calls" them on that.

    2. The OPASB (Our Political And Social Betters)

    3. Nonsense.

      See the pattern, Joe. Who ever charged with hate speech? The hook nosed harpies at the NYT publish anti white agitprop that violate hate speech laws all the time. Our universities are filled with communist profs teaching white kids to hate themselves and their ancestors. The black “Knockout Game”is clearly race based violence. Do blacks ever get charged for racially motivated crime? Ditto the latinos? Yet some baboon sees a garage door pull that reminds him of a noose… and the NASCAR organization grinds to a halt while the FBI tosses the garages looking for Nazis. Seen any high profile white race hoaxes lately?

      Hate speech enforcement is a humiliation ritual TPTB use to remind you who your masters are without mentioning their names.

    4. The Humiliation Ritual aspect is very important for communists and their revolutions.

  4. Please expound briefly on your postscript concerning Mary. Thank you.

    1. Roman Catholics believe that Mary, mother of Jesus was without sin. Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854 that "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin."

      That is not the belief of most other Christians.

    2. I never bought the argument of original sin, nor have I found anyone who can satisfactorily explain it to me. My parents were married, by a priest in a church, and procreating to expand their family. Fail to see the sin in that, and how it's my burden simply being born from it. I never got to choose, so the game is start me out behind the 8-ball and constantly beg? Nah... I've played that game before. Not buying it.

    3. Your story is fascinating, Anonymous. I’ve never met anyone with no inherent shortcomings before. What is it like to be perfect in every way?

    4. ERJ- I understand the Catholic, and other, point of view regarding Jesus' birth. I believe I misread "her conception" to mean the prelude to Mary's own birth.

  5. ERJ, on of the the great additions of Classical Thought (Roman and Greek) was the nature of what is a good person, which was extended into the Christian Era. Modern civilization no longer considers those questions. Good is now something defined elsewhere and enforced with an iron fist: after all, in this current world the ends justify the means.

  6. I'm advocating that the IRA bring their gun-running operation out of mothballs and arm up the Irish and British native working class. It's the only way they will ever get control of their government and its insane immigration and controlled speech policies.


  7. Ditto to A at 1238, For all those lost in boating accidents.Woody

  8. The only branch of Christianity reads Mary's Magnificat, where she lauds her Saviour. Even then, keep jumping through those Biblical hoops; just because you claim to be Christian doesn't mean you are.

  9. Humans are a clever species, not an intelligent one. And as a species we are inherently selfish. Are there exceptions? Sure. But in general we have to suffer pain to learn a lesson and if there are no penalties most will ignore rules and even laws. It's a wonder we haven't gone extinct. If we weren't so clever we would probably have died off long ago.

  10. The different level of communication ranging from polite to ... explicit are certainly in evidence at a construction site.


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