Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Not the start of a punchline

I gave blood today.

I like to tease and flirt with the phlebotomists. They don't seem to mind. It can be a boring job.

"You're a funny one" the woman scrubbing my arm with disinfectant observed.

"I really don't have much choice" I admitted. "The only way I could get the attention of pretty girls was to joke around. I have face like the start of a punchline."

"That's not true" the Phlebotomist objected.

She raised my hopes, the dear lass did.

"Nope" she affirmed.

Drum-roll, please... "You have a face like the END of a punchline."

Mrs ERJ does not need to worry about me chasing skirts. I wouldn't survive the damage to my ego if I should catch one.


  1. If flirting is not illegal it will be soon.

  2. Did they ask your VAXX status?

    1. A good question! I heard an add today extolling being up to date on COVID vaccines, the first I've heard in almost 2 years.

    2. Prolly following the advice, "Never ask a question if you do not want to know the answer."

      Nobody in .MED wants to know all the adverse effects of the Not-A-VAX.

  3. Good for you! I'm glad good humor is still acceptable in some places..!

  4. https://phys.org/news/2024-08-link-facial-lifespan.html

    Bad news?

  5. Nowadays, when it comes to women, I'm like my dog. He chases cars. God knows what he'd do if he ever caught one but he still chases them!

    Phil B

  6. I don't claim to be handsome or ugly - just okay. I'm fine with that. I'm not a thin person (6'-0" and 260 lbs) with a large frame that appears a bit menacing. I'm 61 years old so a bit of gray on top and hair is beginning to thin in front - I consider myself lucky to have what I have. I'm not a hostile person and try to be nice and polite when I'm treated the same. Never been a 'lady's man', I didn't have a steady girlfriend until I was in college. Way too shy to ask strangers out. Met my future wife at a coworker's grandmother's funeral in 1993 (she was his cousin) - she ended up asking me out.

    Life takes weird turns sometimes.

    1. It gives me joy that you two found each other.

      It is not a very romantic comparison, but men are like bananas. We go through a long period where "we are not ripe", and when we hit that perfect stage of ripeness we are not sitting on the shelf very long before somebody picks us up and beelines to the checkout lane.

      The message to the young(er) ladies is to keep your eye on several promising candidates and when the green starts to edge toward yellow, give them a phone call or bake them a pie. Better yet, do both.


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