Thursday, August 29, 2024

Dr. Leaky I presume...


"Oh Joe! Oh Joe my sweetheart!" I heard the honeyed tones of my beautiful wife's voice call out in the night.

"Yes my love-bug?" I responded.

"There seems to be some water on the bathroom floor" Mrs ERJ observed.

"A little or a lot?" I asked. It could be condensate after all.

"Hmmm, hard to say. I am on my third bath-towel mopping it up" she supplied me with more detail.

"Yep, that's a lot" I told her.

 The valve on the end of the nipple sprung a leak. I THINK it is fixed. The only hiccup was that I bought a 1/2NIR-3/8" compression fitting valve and the nipple was 3/8".

Any day I can fix a leak with only two trips to the hardware store is a good day.


  1. I have always rated jobs by how many trips to Nome Sepot it took to finish. Worst one was a four.

  2. Yes, two trips is a great job. I always figured on three trips for plumbing problems. That way I was pleasantly surprised if it tool less. When I got to where I could afford to scrap the old parts and replace with new things went much better.

  3. I finally realized why plumber's service trucks are so big. The only standard I see in plumbing is it seems to be a Capital Offense to use the same fittings twice in a row, even in the same house.

  4. Ha! Only two trips? You must have done trades when you were growing up. My name at Home Depot is, "You back again?"

    1. I went to HD for a bunch of materials. In the plumbing aisle, the kid in the orange apron offered to help. Said he worked summers for his uncle the plumber. I told him what I needed and was off to gather materials elsewhere in the store.

      In a bit I came back to the plumbing aisle. I stifled a laugh. The kid had built what resembled a cage. I asked if he was related to Moe and Curly. He didn't understand. He and me kept up a pleasant conversation while I disassembled his creation part by unneeded part. When I was through, a nice sized mound of plumbing hardware lay on the floor.

      I thanked him for his help and nice conversation. Curious, I asked once more if he had understood what I was wanting. Did I speak clearly? Yes and yes, he replied. He took it like a champ. He was a very nice young man eager to help.

    2. "if he had understood what I was wanting" BTDT as in I
      tell the kid what I want and show him the too-short 1/4 inch diameter screw. He hands me a longer METRIC screw. I politely point out the problem. He seems unclear on the concept, so I thank him for his help and get the part after he leaves.

  5. I once remodeled an entire bathroom which started with trying to repair a leaky faucet. It was easier that way.

  6. I just hope it wasn't upstairs so you won't have to do some more drywall downstairs. ---ken

  7. I will say one of the unexpected pleasures of apartment rental is having someone available to attend to these things. If it is easy I will do it myself; if it involves to much I will put in a maintenance ticket.

  8. Amen on the two trips. Particularly plumbing. Roger

  9. After a few too many Multi Trip projects I figured,, mehh, I can come back and buy more stuff or I can bring stuff back I didn't need. If I'm not sure about the size, I'll buy the stuff I need in two sizes. The difference between 3/8 and 1/2 to my eye? Why is it so tricky?.. Maybe if I had to do it more often. Maybe if my brain wasn't stressed about the mess,, One thing I Do have is quick access to the shutoff to the water coming in.
    I keep a 1&1/4 compression sleeve in the shop,for the main line,, funny thing about that,, seems like when the forty year old backhoe crapped out, that line didn't get busted again.. Howboutthatschitt?


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