Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday


Francesco Queirolo born in what is now Italy in 1704, died in 1762.

Famous for a single work where, from a single, unbroken block of marble he carved a fisherman, an angle angel and the net. Yes, the net is marble on one-piece with the two figures.

The title of the piece (translated to English) is Release from Deception.


Hat-tip to Lucas


  1. I know all art is subjective, but when compared to works like this from the classical times, how can you even compare?

  2. Would that be an “angel”?

    1. Sigh! Yes. It should be "angel". Good catch. Thank-you.

  3. From what I can glean, it took him 7 years to complete this work. What a gift of talent, vision and skill God wrought in this man.

  4. As always, thanks ERJ.

    Having spent a lot of time around sculpture the last two years, my respect for the art has only increased immensely. It saddens me to think how much less of this we likely do due to time and training involved. We can 3d print so many things now but not such exquisite and delicate works of art.

  5. Wow. I consider this far, far above Michaelangelo's, David. What incredible skill.

  6. The detail work on the net alone! Unbelievable tedium, patience, and skill to keep at it hour after hour, day after day, week after week for who knows how long. That is one of the most impressive pieces I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing. Made my day. I'll be thinking about that far longer than 99% of what I stumble across.

  7. Beautiful.... having some skill working with wood it would take me all day to fashion one knot in stone..


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